
equinox n.1.晝夜平分時,春[秋]分。2.【天文學】二分點。短...


However , in the period we are considering , the sun at the vernal equinox had left taurus two thousand years before , and was in the process of moving from aries to pisces 然而,在我們正在考慮的這個密特拉時期,太陽在春分點上已經拋離了金牛座兩千年之久,正在從白羊座到雙魚座移動。

Usually , the sun passes through vernal equinox , summer solstice , autumnal equinox and winter solstice on march 21 , june 21 , september 21 and december 21 respectively 每年3月21日6月21日9月21日和12月21日前后,太陽便會分別運行至黃道上的春分點夏至點秋分點和冬至點的位置。

Although it has evolved as a christian event , easter is actually named after the saxon goddess of spring , eostre , whose feast took place at the spring equinox 復活節起源于撒克遜人盡管復活節現在已經成為了一個基督教的節日,但是實際上復活節是以撒克遜黎明女神的名字命名的。

The current astrological age started when the equinox precessed into the constellation of pisces , in about the year 150 bc , with the “ age of aquarius “ starting in ad 2600 當前的占星紀元就是太陽春分點上的雙魚座,大約在公元前150年開始,而“寶瓶座時期”則開始于公元2600年。

Here is a plan for an equinox celebration for a group of people to hold outdoors - at the beach , park , in the mountains , or another space big enough wherever you live 這是一個為秋分頌揚的一個群體戶外、海邊、公園、山上舉行的贊頌儀式,或是其它更大的空間無論你居住在哪。

Equinox trainer mania provides a new look at the most popular footwear in the modern world - the science that created them , and the future research tat will improve them 《波鞋狂熱》會展示一系列最新設計的波鞋款式與及它們的科學設計,另外還會了解未來波鞋的設計趨勢。

The equinox reached the first star of the second fish in 1817 , and the rise of secular science in this year fulfills ancient predictions of “ antichrist “ 1871年的晝夜平分到達了第二條魚的第一顆星,從這一年開始,興起了長時期的科學,古代“反基督”的預言實現了。

The spring equinox march 21 is the time when farmers are hurried by endless labors and must keep up with the rapid awakening of nature and the rhythm of work 春分( 3月21日)是農民忙于數不清的勞作、還要跟上自然迅速覺醒的步伐、不耽誤農活規則的時候。

The chinese seas are usually boisterous , subject to terrible gales of wind , and especially during the equinoxes ; and it was now early november 在中國沿海一帶,經常會碰上壞天氣,尤其是在春分和秋分的時候,會碰上劇烈的海風。目前還是十一月上旬。

In the past , eggs for different peoples were a symbol of life , and also in latvian spring equinox traditions they were given a special place 在過去,不同的民族都把雞蛋作為一種生命的標志,在拉脫維亞的春分傳統里,雞蛋也被賦予特殊地位。

The study hall also served as a venue to hold clan meetings and traditional rituals , such as wedding ceremonies and ancestor worship at spring and autumn equinoxes 植桂書室也是村民舉行會議和傳統儀式的場所,如春秋二祭和婚嫁喜事等。

The study hall also served as a venue for clan meetings and traditional rituals , such as wedding ceremonies and ancestor worship at spring and autumn equinoxes 植桂書室也是村民舉行會議和傳統儀式的場所,如春秋二祭和婚嫁喜事等。

Simon worked on the osgi framework as part of the open - source eclipse equinox project , which has now been integrated into eclipse 3 . 1 Simon開發的osgi框架是開放源碼的eclipse equinox專案的一部分,已經整合到eclipse 3 . 1中。

Shadows at the fall and spring equinoxes are said to look like a snake crawling down the steps , similar to the carved serpent at the top 據說,在秋分與春分日,太陽陰影會像蛇一樣從臺階上爬行而下,與頂端雕刻的巨蛇相似。

The stones are perfect constructed for predicting and sighting a wide variety of astronomical alignments including the precession of the equinoxes 石頭是為了預言而完美地構建,可以看到更廣闊的天文陣列,包括歲差運動。

Due to the precession of the equinoxes , on average every 2 , 160 years the sun appears against the stars of a new constellation at vernal equinox 因為歲差運動,每隔2 , 160年左右,太陽出現的春分點上會有新的星座。

This year , thousands of people throughout mexico attended celebrations of the spring equinox , observed at sunrise on march 21 今年三月二十一日朝陽初升的時刻,數千名來自墨西哥各地的民眾參加了迎春春分慶典。

The cycle is closed in the equinox of spring ( north hemisphere ) of year 2013 , and therefore we needed to begin as soon as possible 2013年(北半球)在春分春季周期是關閉并且因此我們需要盡快開始。

In fact , you have arrived in china at this a time on a day of the vernal equinox according to the chinese lunar calendar : (原文是中文,此處根據英文記錄稿翻譯)國務卿女士,歡迎您前來中國訪問。