
equestrian adj.馬的,騎馬的;騎術的,騎士(團)的。 eques...


Because of australian quarantine restrictions , the equestrian events were held in stockholm during june 由于澳大利亞海關檢疫的限制,騎馬比賽于六月份在斯德哥爾摩舉行。

Full story acting ce meets with ioc , fei and bocog delegations thumbs - up for equestrian event 全文>署理行政長官會見國際奧委會、國際馬術聯會、北京奧組委代表

Equestrian consists of three disciplines : jumping , dressage and eventing three - day event 馬術比賽包括三項賽事:障礙賽花樣騎術和綜合全能馬術賽三日賽。

Hrh the duke of york observes pony games and an equestrian display at the sheerwood equestrian club 在西塢馬術俱樂部,約克公爵觀看了小馬比賽和騎術表演。

Hk and the netherlands sign import and export protocol for 2008 equestrian event horses with photo 香港與荷蘭王國簽署二八馬術比賽馬匹進口安排協定附圖

The world heritage site of greenwich will host equestrian events and the modern pentathlon 被列為世界遺產的格林威治也將主辦馬術比賽和現代五項的比賽。

Pippa had won silver in equestrian in sydney , missing the gold only by a whisker 皮帕在悉尼曾經贏得了一枚馬術的銀牌,當時她距離金牌僅僅有一步之遙。

Approximately thirty - six ( 36 ) of these clubs are chinese equestrian association ( cea ) accredited 其中大約36個是被中國馬術協會( cea )正式認可的。

Equestrian committee hong kong of beijing organizing committee for the games of the xxix olympiad 建造業訓練局城市規劃委員會城市規劃上訴委員會

Hrh the duke of york meets young riders at the sheerwood equestrian club in northeast beijing 約克公爵在北京西塢馬術俱樂部接見年輕的小騎手。

Ceo , equestrian events hong kong of the games of the xxix olympiad company limited 第二十九屆奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽(香港)有限公司行政總裁

On - line horse show dates and schedules plus related equestrian information in the uk 加在英國的相關騎馬的信息的聯機馬表演日期和時間表。

Equestrian show games 馬術表演小游戲

From the equestrian club 的老朋友們

Olympic equestrian jumping fence winning designs on display with photos 奧運馬術場地障礙欄桿設計比賽優勝作品公開展出附圖

Helmets for equestrian use 騎馬用頭盔

Entries pour in for equestrian jumping fence design competition with photo 馬術場地障礙欄桿設計比賽接獲逾二千份稿件附圖

Helmets for equestrian activities 騎馬運動用頭盔

Billiards room , gymnasium , room of chess and card , court , equestrian course 臺球室健身房棋牌室網球場跑馬場。