
equally adv.相等地;平等地;公正地。


I have had other equally terrifying experiences while searching for plants . 尋覓植物的時候,我還遇到過其他類似險境。

The chinese, though with more colorful language, were equally prudent . 中國人盡管語言更生動些,也同樣持慎重態度。

The leader has said that all branches are equally honourable . 領袖曾說過,一切部門的工作人員都是同樣值得尊敬的。

A contingent proposition may be true and may equally be false . 一個偶然的命題可能是正確的,也同樣可能是錯誤的。

It was odd that in retrospect they both seemed equally dreary . 回味起來,奇怪的是,它們顯得同等地枯燥乏味。

An excess or deficiency of any compound may be equally disastrous . 任何化合物的過多或缺乏都可造成災難。

The “nation“ and other such liberal journals were equally bitter . 《民族》及其它開明雜志同樣痛恨不已。

She divided her possessions equally between her four children . 她把自己的財物平均分給了她的四個孩子。

Most light sources do not radiate equally in all directions . 大多數光源并非在所有各方面都等量地輻射。

She did not, indeed, expect lily to remain equally immovable . 然而她并不指望麗莉也象她那樣深居簡出。

They could equally well be result of a faulty excision mechanism . 它們也很可能是切斷機理失靈的結果。

He willed that his property be divided equally among his children . 他立遺囑將他的錢平均分給孩子們。

In sorrow she must be equally carried away by her fancy . 在悲哀中她必然同樣會胡思亂想而難以自已。

That is perfectly equivalent, and equally unambiguous statement . 這是完全相同的,毫不含糊的論述。

It would be equally important for sister badgery to observe . 察言觀色對巴杰莉護士來說也同等重要。

Ralph is equally astute in machinery and crop management . 拉爾夫在作物和機械經營方面都同樣聰明。

They are equally clever . 他們一樣聰明。

Notice that the energy eigenvalues are not equally spaced . 注意,這些本征值并不是等距離分布的。

Search your heart and ask if you are not equally to blame . 你捫心自問是否自己也同樣要承擔責任。