
equal adj.1.相等的;平等的,均等的 (to; with)...

equal time

A hectare is equal to 15 mu . 一公頃合十五市畝。

He speaks in an equal tone . 他用平穩的聲調講話。

No man equals him in strength . 沒有人比他氣力大。

You are equal to him in position and in money . 在地位和金錢方面你和他倒是門當戶對的。

We were equals afterwards, as we had been before . 從此以后我們還象往常一樣平等相處。

All countries , no matter big or small,should be equal . 國家不論大小,應該一律平等。

You would not find it equal to your present ideas . 你會看到它與你現在的想象不相符。

Everyone is equal under the law . 法律面前人人平等。

Energy and mass are equal and interchangeable . 質量與能量相等而又是可以互相轉換的。

The shear strenth is equal to the cohesion of substance . 剪切強度等于物質的內聚力。

He has no equal for running . 講到賽跑,他是無敵的。

The happiness of miss smith was quite equal to her intentions . 史密斯小姐心滿意足。

She feels equal to the task . 她認為能勝任該項工作。

Ten times ten equals one hundred . 十乘以十等于一百。

Everyone is equal before the law . 法律面前人人平等。

It is equal in size to a turkey . 它的大小和火雞一樣。

Equal pay for equal work is valid . 同工同酬是正當的。

Death, fires, and burglary make all men equals . 喪事、火警和失竊能把各色人拉平。

The conventional procedure is to set an equal to zero . 慣用的方法是令an等于零。