
epistolary adj.書信的,尺牘的;尺牘體的,書信體的;用書信進行的...


Above all , you must have guarantor , this guarantor must be japanese book , have fixed job , of fixed income , have particular concern with you , and you can produce the proof of the relation , for instance epistolary contact , close according to etc 首先,你得有保證人,這個保證人必須是日本籍的,有固定工作,固定收入的,跟你有一定關系,并且你能夠出示關系的證實,比如書信來往,合照等。

A research into these theories is contributive to a comprehensive mastery of the development of literary theories in the ming dynasty , and a good understanding of the development of epistolary literal theories in ancient china 對明代文人書信體文論的探究,有助于我們全面把握明代文學理論的發展情況,也是研究中國古代書信體文論發展的重要環節。

Epistolary literal theories in the ming dynasty were large in quantity , rich in content , profound in problem consciousness , and flexible in form , thus were a key channel for the various literary schools to spread their ideas 明代文人書信體文論數量多,內容涉及面廣,問題意識突出,形式靈活多變,成為明代眾多文學流派傳播文學觀點的重要途徑。

Epistolary literal theory is an important form of literal theories in the history of literary criticism in china 摘要書信體文論是中國文學批評史上一種重要的文論形式。

All postal operators recognise , however , that the epistolary [ 2 ] habit has taken a hit from the internet 然而所有郵政運營商均意識到,書信傳統已經受到互聯網的沖擊。

Artistic style of han dynasty ' s epistolary prose 漢代書信體散文藝術概論

Analysis of the epistolary literal theories of the ming dynasty 明代文人書信體文論探究