
enuretic adj.遺尿的。n.遺尿劑。


Extensive research in the division also showed that a large proportion of the enuretic children had significant underlying bladder dysfunction and sleep disturbances . this important recognition directly challenges the long - established concept of perceiving pne as due to a developmental immaturity of voiding control , and casts doubts on the traditional wisdom of expectant treatment 中文大學的研究亦發現很多尿床的兒童其實有嚴重膀腔失效及睡眠困擾問題,這些發現直接推翻了人們一貫的想法,就是尿床是由于兒童發育未成熟而不能控制排尿所致,亦帶來對傳統上視為當然的態度的反思。

Furthermore , enuretic children had significantly more behavioral and psychological problems , as well as worse self - esteem , compared with normal non - enuretic controls 再者,尿床的兒童亦明顯較正常兒童有更多的行為及心理問題,個人自信亦較差。