
entrance n.1.進入;入場;加入,入會;入學。2.開始,著手。3...


For the convenience of the guests, the front desk is almost always located near the hotel's main entrance . 為了方便顧客,總服務臺幾乎都設在旅館正門入口附近。

We squeezed through the narrow, chattering, jam-packed bar to the entrance of the big room . 狹窄的酒吧里喧喧嚷嚷,擠得滿滿的。我們擠過人堆,來到大廳入口處。

Reading was the entrance into a world so fascinating she couldn't get enough of it . 閱讀是了解世界的入門課,她十分喜愛,怎么讀也讀不夠。

You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court properly . 進入皇宮時先要在入口大廳等候,由人帶領進入正殿。

The physical stop which corresponds to the entrance window is then the required field stop . 入射窗所對應的實物光闌就是所要求的場光闌。

Details of train alterations were written up inside the main entrance to the station . 列車時刻更改的詳細情況寫在車站正門內顯眼的地方。

Care must be taken to completely seal entrance plugs(eg. at a manway)in refractory linings . 必須小心地完全封閉耐火材料襯里的進口門。

On our left were the shops, their windows lighted, and the entrance to the galleria . 我們的左面是店窗明亮的鋪子和商業街廊的入口。

He hung about the entrance all day , hoping for a chance to speak to the director . 他在門口轉悠了一整天,企望有機會同局長談談。

This coherent speech was interrupted by the entrance of rochester coachman . 洛徹斯特驛車的車夫進來打斷了這番有條理的演說。

The guests were so busy enjoying themselves that their entrance was scarcely noticed . 這些客人忙于作樂,沒注意到他們進未。

I had planned to wait for him at the back entrance of the building at six o'clock . 我打算在六點鐘的時候在大樓的后門等他。

The ark was in the act of passing the last curve of this leafy entrance . 平底船已把這條綠色長帶的最后一個急彎拋在身后。

The entrance halls, the stairs, and the doors, are all covered with graffiti . 門廳,樓梯和門上面畫滿了亂七八糟的東西。

A chaise from lichfield pulls up at the entrance to the market square . 從利奇菲耳德來的一輛馬車在市場入口處停住了。

As soon as it was light, she went to the castle and found the kitchen entrance . 天一亮,她來到城堡找到了廚房的門。

Although he failed in this entrance examination , he did n't lose heart . 這次入學考試他雖名落孫山,但他并不氣餒。

When she had made a hole in the entrance she tried to pass through it . 他在洞口上打開了一個洞,就想從里邊鉆出來。

I was gratified to learn that your son had passed the entrance examination . 得悉令郎已通過入學考試,我十分高興。