
entity n.1.實體;統一體。2.存在(物)。3.(有別于屬性等...


Only be known to the entity that owns the key pair )只有擁有密鑰對的實體知道。

It also accesses the database using an entity bean 它還使用實體bean訪問數據庫。

Internal entity references are resolved and expanded 解析并擴展內部實體引用。

Could biological entities survive this journey 生物體在這趟旅程中能夠存活嗎?

Defines a field attribute or role of an entity 定義實體的字段(屬性或角色) 。

Adds a named code entity or type mapping to the 將命名的代碼實體或類型映射添加到

To describe this important organizational entity ,來描述這一重要的組織機構。

Entity that owns the cell style that was changed 指定擁有發生更改的單元格樣式的

For example , entity nodes are always read - only 例如, entity節點始終是只讀的。

An exchange protocol between the participating entities 參與實體之間的交換協議。

Pay special attention to entity characters for example , 特別要注意實體字符(如

The entity that writes and maintains the application 編寫和維護應用程序的實體。

Jpa entity components do not support multiple views Jpa實體組件不支持多視圖。

Node is returned to close the entity reference scope 節點以關閉實體引用范圍。

On the accounting entity assumption in network times 探析網絡時代的會計主體假設

How to : add or delete an entity model designer 如何在模型設計器中添加或刪除實體

A discussion about accounting entity of enterprises ' annuity 論企業年金會計主體

The complete entity declaration file looks as follows 完整的實體聲明文件如下:

Simulation study on the cgf entities of tank element 的地空導彈攻防對抗仿真研究