
enterocolitis n.【醫學】小腸結腸炎。


Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation , neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia , congenital bands , necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus 由于新生兒腸套疊以腸阻塞為最初的臨床表徵,所以應該和其它腸阻塞例如腸閉鎖、壞死性腸炎、腸扭結做區分。

As neonatal intussusception is rare , especially in the premature infant , and clinically can be mis - diagnosed as necrotizing enterocolitis , sonography can be very helpful in the differential diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in the newborn period 由于早?兒腸套疊非常光見且臨床上與壞死性腸炎非常相似,常被延誤診斷,特提出病例報告,并討論之。

The hospital authority and the centre for health protection of the department of health are jointly investigating a cluster of necrotising enterocolitis in the neonatal intensive care unit nicu of queen mary hospital 調查嬰孩感染壞死性腸炎個案醫院管理局及生署生防護中心,現正調查瑪麗醫院初生嬰兒深切治療部出現壞死性腸炎個案。

Initially they were treated as necrotizing enterocolitis , but the symptoms persisted 在懷疑壞死性腸炎診斷下治療后,腥脹并沒有改善,于是接受探腹手術。

The patient was diagnosed as having necrotizing enterocolitis and received a multiple segmental resection 經診斷為壞死性腸炎,并接受外科手術治療。

Joint investigation into necrotising enterocolitis cluster 調查嬰孩感染壞死性腸炎個案

Cases of necrotizing enterocolitis under investigation 調查嬰孩感染壞死性腸炎個案

Staphylococcal enterocolitis is infrequent . 葡萄球菌性小腸結腸炎是一少見疾病。