
ensnare vt.1.用絆子捕捉,絆住。2.誘…入圈套;誘捕,誘惑,...


Dolohov , for whom anatoles name and rank and connections were of use in ensnaring wealthy young men into his society for gambling purposes , made use of kuragin without letting him feel it , and was amused by him too . apart from interested motives , for which he needed anatole , the process itself of controlling another mans will was an enjoyment , a habit , and a necessity for dolohov . natasha had made a great impression on kuragin 多洛霍夫需要阿納托利庫拉金的名聲顯貴地位和人情關系,藉以引誘富有的青年加入他的賭博團伙,利用他,玩弄他,但不讓他意識到這一點,除開他存心借助于阿納托利而外,對多洛霍夫來說,控制他人的意志本身就是一種享受習慣與需要。

Preserve his army ; put weapons of brass in the hands that wage war in thy name , and gird them about with strength for the battle . take thou the lance and shield , and rise up to succour us , and put to shame and to confusion them that devise evil against us , and let them be scattered before the face of thy faithful armament like dust before the wind ; and may thy mighty angel put them to flight and to confusion . and let the net ensnare them when they wot not of it , and their plots that they have hatched in secret be turned against them 請保佑他的軍隊和那些武裝起來,并以你的名義全力準備戰斗的人們,請賜予他們銅弓,用你的利矛和堅盾來助戰吧,讓那些加害于我們的人遭到詛咒與羞辱愿他們在你忠誠的武士面前,如風中塵埃,愿你強有力的天使使他們潰散而逃,愿他們在毫無察覺中陷入圈套,愿他們因暗施詭計而自食其果讓他們跪倒在你的臣仆腳下,被我們的軍隊一掃而光。

“ that desire , ” continued the tathagatha , “ that lust , that lure , that craving which is concerned with feeling , or with perception , or with the predisposing mental formations , or with discriminative consciousness ? ensnared by it , fast ensnared by it , one is called a being “那希欲,羅達” ,如來接著說, ‘那淫欲,那誘惑,那渴望,與覺受有關的,或與想有關的,或與心行有關的,或與分別識有關的, - -為它所誘惑系縛,為它所死死的誘惑系縛,這樣的人被稱為眾生。

A list of “ abominable deeds “ is found among the charred remains of a house and the four bodies in it , and it is up to a computer programmer to discover who composed the macabre inventory ? before he himself becomes ensnared in the deadly conspiracy 在一幢房子燒焦的廢墟里發現一張“可惡契約”的清單,里面還有四具尸體,一個計算機程序員決定去找出誰列了這張恐怖的清單,但他自己也不知不覺陷入了這個致命陰謀。

Life after life , the mind records too many undesirable things and ensnares us with a guilty conscience . that s why we have to train and rectify it , illuminate it with light every day , educate it and also brighten all our bodily cells 修行就是在修理這個頭腦,生生世世它錄太多壞事,它讓我們逃不開罪惡感,所以我們才要修練它,每天用光照耀它教訓它,照耀全部我們的細胞。

Therefore this is what the sovereign lord says : i am against your magic charms with which you ensnare people like birds and i will tear them from your arms ; i will set free the people that you ensnare like birds 20所以主耶和華如此說、看哪、我與你們的靠枕反對、就是你們用以獵取人、使人的性命如鳥飛的我要將靠枕從你們的膀臂上扯去、釋放你們獵取如鳥飛的人。

The idols of their gods you shall burn with fire ; you shall not desire the silver or gold upon them , nor take it for yourself , lest you be ensnared by it ; for it is an abomination to jehovah your god 25他們雕制的神像,你們要用火焚燒;其上的金銀,你不可貪圖,也不可取為己有,免得你因此陷入網羅;這原是耶和華你神所憎惡的。

“ that desire , radha , ” declared shakyamuni , ” that lust , that lure , that craving which is concerned with body ? ensnared by it , fast ensnared by it , one is called a being “那希欲,羅達” ,釋迦牟尼佛宣說, ‘那淫欲,那誘惑,那與身體有關的渴望, - -為它所誘惑系縛,為它所死死的誘惑系縛,這樣的人被稱為眾生。

Arjuna , the mode of goodness ensnares one in happiness , the mode of passion in fruitive activity and the mode of ignorance in negligence and the like , obscuring knowledge 阿諸那啊,善性的知覺覺知形態使人在幸福中被誘惑俘虜,陷于獲利行為的欲望情感形態和陷于疏忽冷漠等等的愚昧無知形態遮蔽了知識的光輝。

Moreover , man does not know his time : like fish caught in a treacherous net and birds trapped in a snare , so the sons of men are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them 傳9 : 12原來人也不知道自己的定期魚被惡網圈住、鳥被網羅捉住、禍患忽然臨到的時候、世人陷在其中、也是如此。

The tough - tackling midfielder , who has experience of football in britain having played for rangers , has consistently found himself ensnared by the famous red devils outfit 這名強力工兵型中場曾經有在蘇超流浪者隊效力的經歷,他現在發現自己已經被紅魔吸引住了。

Who cause a person to be indicted by a word , and ensnare him who adjudicates at the gate , and defraud the one in the right with meaningless arguments 賽29 : 21他們在爭訟的事上、定無罪的為有罪、為城門口責備人的、設下網羅、用虛無的事、屈枉義人。

To head off anglo - french military action , eisenhower and his secretary of state ensnared the europeans in a fruitless round of talks and conferences 為了阻止英法的軍事行動,艾森豪威爾和他的國務卿誘使英法到毫無成效的一系列會談和會議上。

Othello . i do believe it , and i ask your pardon . will you , i pray , demand that demi - devil why he hath thus ensnared my soul and body 奧瑟羅我相信你的話;愿你原諒我吧。你們問一問那個頂著人頭的惡魔,為什麼他要這樣陷害我的靈魂和肉體?

Once thus ensnared , unless the protecting hand of god snatch him thence , all is over , and his struggles but tend to hasten his destruction 一旦陷進去,除非是上帝之手把他從那里拉出來,否則就一切都完了,他的掙扎只會加速他的毀滅。

She even sets a love trap to ensnare him . tripitaka unwittingly falls into the trap and , in the process , breaks the heavenly code 對他一見鍾情,從此大師唐唐天天就被這個癡情女妖纏著,落入她設下的愛情圈套,犯下天條

The investigation had already ensnared ney ' s former chief of staff and two aides to former house majority leader tom delay 通過調查,奈伊前辦公室主任和前眾議院多數黨領導人湯姆?迪雷的2名助手已經被捕。

This code , simple as it is , is a trap waiting to ensnare the unwary developer . can you identify the flaw 以上代碼實際上很簡單,但卻是一個等待粗心的開發人員掉進去的陷阱。您能找出其中的破綻嗎?

They have eight thick “ arms “ plus two extra - long tentacles , each lined with suckers ringed with teeth which it uses to ensnare prey 它們通常有8只粗“手臂” ,外加兩條超長的用于捕食的觸須。