
enrapture vt.使狂喜,使興高采烈。adv.-dly


Every one of the guests was enraptured by the attractive celestial clothes designed by master , which seemed to manifest the truth , virtues and beauty of heaven on earth . they realized then that spiritual practitioners can be beautiful both within and without , living a life that is full of vitality and splendor 大家莫不被師父所精心設計的一款款美麗天衣所震懾住,彷佛天堂的真善美示現人間,才開始了解原來修行也可以內外皆美,活得如此的精采亮麗。

In vosloorus , a sprawling , dangerous and crime - ridden township , i failed to make any money because i spent almost an entire day speaking with a young girl , who listened enraptured and whose eyes shone as i told her about master and her teachings 來到vosloorus這個荒蕪危險且高犯罪率的小鎮時,我花了幾乎一整天的時間與一位年輕女孩交談,把生意的事完全擱置一旁。當我告訴她有關師父的種種事跡時,她的雙眼炯炯有神,聽得都入迷了。

I looked up for a while until i had a pain that formed in my neck . then , i was just about to fall backwards , so i opened my eyes . but i closed my eyes again to enjoy the enrapturing scene more 我一直向上看了好一會兒,感覺脖子酸而且好像要往后傾,所以我睜開眼睛但是我又閉起了眼睛,想再多享受那令人驚喜的景象,結果景象還有那保護的力量都還在。

Everyone was thrilled at the numbers who attended the seminars , as people entered the halls to the delightful sound of masters voice , and were enraptured with her appearance and message 盡管行程非常緊湊,但透過師父的恩典,我們不僅能夠適時地完成各項預定的工作,而且在工作之馀,還能享受許多快樂時光。

Their souls bet in a last lingering glance and the eyes that reached her heart , full of a strange shining , hung enraptured on her sweet flowerlike face 他們的靈魂在依依不舍的最后一瞥中相遇。射到她心坎兒上的他那視線,充滿了奇異的光輝,如醉如癡地死死盯著她那美麗如花的臉。

Of french stock - jobbing . we may like bouillotte , delight in whist , be enraptured with boston , and yet grow tired of them all ; but we always come back to 他們或許會喜歡打撲克,要惠斯特,沉湎于波士頓,但那些時間長了要生厭的,最后他們還得回來玩愛卡代,因為這個百玩不厭。

Later , a video presentation of the soul - inspiring concert one world of peace through music and one of masters lectures held the guests enraptured in her infinite love 隨后播放和平之音四海一心音樂會錄影帶及師父的講經錄影帶,來賓們專注地聆聽,沉浸在師父無邊的愛力中。

Finally master arrived , dressed all in white , and i could see from the enraptured expressions of the guards that they must love her very much 終于師父來到會場,穿著一身凈白衣裳。我看到護法人員臉上欣喜若狂的表情,我心想:他們一定很愛師父。

“ good , “ he said ; and m . bertuccio left enraptured , so great , so powerful , and real was the influence exercised by this man over all who surrounded him 他說道。于是貝爾圖喬就喜不自禁地退了出去。伯爵對于他周圍所有人的影響就是這樣的強大。

Enraptured by her , the deputies concoct a plan to save her from capture , and jin leads her north in what becomes a perilous journey into the unknown 奉天縣兩大捕頭:劉捕頭金捕頭奉命于十日之內,將飛刀門新任幫主緝拿歸案。

One evening ramonti stopped in helen ' s room and told his love with the tenderness and ardor of the enraptured artist 一天傍晚拉蒙迪來到愛倫的房間,表白了自己的愛意,流露出了一個陷入愛河的藝術家的溫柔和熾熱情感。

It does the more enrapture me , 我會更加迷上你,

I ' m enraptured with every scent and flavor ofthe east 但我非常熱衷于品嘗東方的美食

We were enraptured by the view of the mountains 我們看到山巒景色,心花怒放

Both of them burst out laughing, and harry enraptured and was at his ease . 兩人禁不住都笑了。這一笑,使哈里心花怒放,輕松多了。

Imogen was enraptured . 伊摩根簡直著了迷。

Philip was enraptured . 菲利浦卻被弄得神魂顛倒。

I was enraptured with the stroke of good fortune . 我由于這一次的幸運而狂喜。

Sir willoughby was enraptured with her . 與她在一起,威洛比爵士欣喜若狂。