
enormity n.1.極惡,兇惡;暴行,大罪。2.巨大,龐大。短語和例...


And it is the more to be lamented , because there is reason to suppose , as my dear charlotte informs me , that this licentiousness of behaviour in your daughter has proceeded from a faulty degree of indulgence , though at the same time , for the consolation of yourself and mrs . bennet , i am inclined to think that her own disposition must be naturally bad , or she could not be guilty of such an enormity at so early an age 據內人夏綠蒂言,令媛此次淫奔,實系由于平日過分溺愛所致,此尤其可悲者也。唯不佞以為令媛年方及笄,竟而鑄成大錯,亦足見其本身天性之惡劣先生固不必過于引咎自責也。日前遇咖苔琳夫人及其千金小姐,曾以此事奉告,夫人等亦與不佞夫婦不所同感。

As time wore on , it dawned on me that , to them , america is an impossibly faraway place , a place where crazy things happen all the time , a place so far removed from daily life that they can ' t begin to appreciate the enormity of the events 隨著時間的流逝,我漸漸明白過來:對他們來說,美國是一個非常遙遠的國度,在那里整天都在發生著瘋狂的事情,那里發生的事情和他們柴米油鹽的百姓生活沒有關聯,所以他們也無法為之動容,也意識不到事件的嚴重性。

With respect to your analysis for my third question , i understand why you thought option c was best back in the ejb 1 . x days from a performance perspective , but you didn t really address the enormity of the maintainability problem that you can eliminate if you exploit ejb 2 . x 關于您對我的第三個問題的分析,我的理解是,為什么您認為對于ejb 1 . x ,從性能的角度而言,選項c最佳,但您并沒有真正回答如果使用ejb 2 . x如何解決可怕的可維護性問題。

From volcanic eruptions on the caribbean island of montserrat and trembling fault lines in turkey , to storms ripping through the notorious “ tornado alley “ of america s midwest , modern - day disasters from around the globe are witnessed in eye - popping enormity on the giant screen 經歷加勒比海蒙特塞拉特島的火山爆發土耳其的斷層地震,以至肆虐美國中西部的卷風,觀眾可在巨大的半球型銀幕下,目睹這些災難,感受大自然隱藏著的無比大力量。

“ the enormity of the alleged plot will be matched only by our determination to follow every lead and line of inquiry . “ authorities have until wednesday to get the judge ' s permission to continue to hold the remaining suspects “我們只有下定決心通過徹底的調查來與這次所謂的陰謀犯罪競賽. “權力機關要到星期三才能得到法官關于繼續扣留嫌疑犯的許可

Those who settled in germany have long wanted a central memorial to their tragedy , but the enormity of the holocaust and tricky regional politics have kept them waiting 對他們的悲慘遭遇,這些定居德國的民眾日思夜盼想要進行一次重大的紀念活動,但(二戰期間納粹對猶太人的)大屠殺的滔天罪行與詭計多端的區域政治令他們可望而不可及。

But still , the enormity of your task has required you to focus to such an extent on technique and data that you may not have had time enough to face your feelings along the way 然而,醫療工作的艱鉅,使你們不得不把注意力集中在醫療技術與數據資料上,結果使你們一路走來,可能會沒有足夠的時間面對你們的感情。

We fully understand the enormity of our task . we need to prioritise the needs and aspirations of various sectors and decide on the direction and focus of our work 我們深深明白,今后的任務重大,必須小心分辨社會各界訴求的輕重緩急,以便制訂日后工作的方向和重心。

I am touched by the enormity of my father ' s accomplishment in its effect upon both those who witnessed it and those whom it inspired 父親的事跡深深地影響了那些親眼目睹以及因此被啟發的人,我被父親這樣的成就所感動。

And those who are called to the profession despite its shortcomings often find themselves overwhelmed by the enormity of the job 那些不管這些劣勢而獲準職業資格的教師經常發現他們自己被工作的巨大壓力所淹沒。

Given the enormity of its landmass and the abundance of water supply , china is naturally endowed with the ability to develop hydropower 我國幅員遼闊,自然水資源豐富且分布廣闊,非常適合發展水電。

It is difficult for our minds to understand , but we have to stop and think about the enormity of this universe 我們想到它有多大總會有點混淆,因為我們抬頭看那美麗星群幾個就讀

However , this enormity of information lacks focus and , shall we say , a common body of practical knowledge 然而,數據缺乏的這暴行集中和,我們將說嗎,一個實際知識的通常身體。

Do you think you ' ll be better prepared for the enormity of the game having experienced the whole thing before in istanbul 你認為自己能準備好嗎?伊斯坦布爾的經歷有幫助嗎?

He talked for some time with bundy , and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts 他同邦迪談了一會兒,他提出的問題反映出他有很大的懷疑。

Aren ' t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it ? the enormity of it 思前想后,你不怕精神崩潰?那樣的日子怎么過?

The enormity of his offence made it probable that the man was not sane 他攻擊的兇殘使得這男人有可能是神智不正常的。

I don ' t thimk that even now he realizes the full enormity of his crime 我不認為即使是現在他了解到他罪行的所有兇殘。

By 1980 , mr zhang and the others were scapegoats for his enormities 1980年,張及其同伙成了文革的替罪羊。