
enlist vt.1.使入伍;征募,招(兵)。2.爭取,謀取;獲得(...


Only one had an enlisted son in iraq .只有1位議員的兒子應募去伊拉克從軍

Will be automatically enlisted in the transaction created by 獲得的連接將被自動征調到

Will still be enlisted in the current transaction 訪問的資源仍將在當前事務中被征用。

To enlist a target server into a master server 將目標服務器登記到主服務器

The officers live here , and the enlisted men over there 軍官住在這里,應征者在那里。

Enlisting one or more servers as target servers 將一臺或多臺服務器登記為目標服務器。

Can i enlist your help in raising the money 你能在我的籌款中贊助一些錢嗎

The following example shows enlisting a soap session 下面是一個登記soap會話的示例。

The officers live here , and the enlisted men over there 軍官住在這里,士兵住在那里。

Once enlisted , calls by clients to commit or abort the 登記之后,客戶端對提交或中止

Many people enlisted for the defense of their country 許多人為了保衛國家而從軍了。

He enlisted as a volunteer in the marines 他報名當一名海軍陸戰隊的志愿兵。

. . . to enlist their children to go to iraq . . .讓他們孩子去應募到伊拉克從軍

Interface and explicitly enlist in the transaction 接口的實現并顯式在事務中登記。

Shortly thereafter he enlisted for frontline service 之后不久他就應征到前線服役

Many people enlist in the red cross drive each year 許多人每年參加紅十字會運動。

Enlisting resources as participants in a transaction 將資源作為事務中的參與者登記

When the proxy is invoked , the container enlists the 當調用代理時,容器會調用

They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy 他們為海軍徵募了四百名新兵