
enjoyment n.1.享樂,欣賞;愉快,樂事。2.享受,享有。短語和例...


The music added to our enjoyment of the film 這部電影的音樂使我們對電影更加欣賞了。

It was an enjoyment to rostov to ride this horse 騎在這匹馬上對羅斯托夫是一種享受。

They would explore enjoyments in merely seven cents 他們能在區區七分錢中找到快樂。

I ' m here with pnn , pyongyang , not for enjoyment 這里是pnn ,平壤不是開玩笑

Once in a while solitude is a supreme enjoyment 偶爾,靜靜面對孤獨,也是一種享受。

Confucius ' enjoyment of life and its literary evolvement 孔子的人生之樂及其文學演繹

I ' m sure you ' ve got hours of enjoyment from it 我相信你一定從中得到了無窮的享受。

I didn ' t get much enjoyment out of that novel 我并沒有從那本小說里得到多少樂趣。

Our gardens : conservation and enjoyment of countryside 我們的花園:保育和享受郊野

My humble opinion of music enjoyment and quality education 淺談音樂欣賞與素質教育

Auditory enjoyment - expand the new path to language learning 開拓語文學習的新途徑

Wealth got by labour is sweet in the enjoyment 勞動得來的財富享受起來味道甜美

Rousseau truly says: “there is in liberty as in innocence and virtue a satisfaction one can only feel in their enjoyment and pleasure which can cease only when they have been lost. “ 盧梭說得很對:“自由與清白和美德一樣,只有在你享有它們時,才會得到滿足,一旦失去它們,你就會感到歡樂停止了。”

The captain likewise very wisely preferred the more solid enjoyments he expected with this lady, to the fleeting charms of person . 大尉也很聰明,他懂得美貌不過是轉瞬即逝的東西,他寧可娶這么一位小姐而得到他所巴望的種種實際好處。

Being abundant, every other care appeared to have subsided in the sense of enjoyment dependent on this all-important fact . 只要食物很充足,吃飯這個重要問題解決以后,他們對其他一切事物的興趣好象都低落了下來。

Her deepest enjoyment was to feel the continuity between the movements of her own soul and the agitations of the world . 她最深邃的歡樂,便是感到自己的內心活動和世界的風云變幻之間,存在著不可分割的聯系。

My happy eye was upon it always, and i sat motionless, steeped in satisfaction, drunk with enjoyment . 我的快樂的眼睛老是盯著它;而且我老是坐在那里不動,一百二十分的躊躇滿志,高興得簡直如醉如癡。

It lay there before him, every passage breathing of some old home scene, and recalling some past enjoyment . 它現在攤在湯姆面前,每一段都在他腦海中勾起一幅故鄉的圖景,或是一件歡樂的往事。

No doubt he had several weeks enjoyment out of imagining himself as the head of a smoothly functioning studio . 這種自己要當一個井井有條的工作室主任的想法,無疑誘惑他長達數周之久。