
england n.1.英格蘭〔英國的主要部分〕。2.(泛指)英格蘭和威...


At that time no power can cope with england naval strength . 當時,沒有一國能和英國海軍對抗。

Those truant birds upheld the name of england abroad . 這些無暇顧及家室的人在國外為英國揚名。

Mr. bruff entreated me to lose no time in returning to england . 布羅夫先生請我趕緊回英國去。

England had little money on men to spare for ireland . 英國再也騰不出財力人力來用于愛爾蘭。

In england a blood test may be ordered by the court . 在英格蘭,法院可以強制進行血型鑒定。

He continually criticized england for its crass materialism . 他不斷批評英國過于宗拜物質。

His prolonged visit to england had been most valuable . 他在英國的長期逗留是最難得的事。

My first impressions of england are connected with food . 英國給我的最初印象和食物有關。

Dissent used to be strong in this part of england . 在英國的這一地方過去曾激烈反對國教。

I'm vital in new england . 新英格蘭這邊離不開我。

In general, new england writers relied upon the bible . 新英格蘭作家大體以圣經為依據。

It does not mean in england what it does in france . 它在英國的含意和在法國并不一樣。

The rose represents england . 玫瑰花是英格蘭的象征。

New england has many trees and thin, rocky soil . 新英格蘭樹多,土地貧瘠,石頭滿地。

England was in the throes of a parliamentary campaign . 英國處于國會競選的陣痛之中。

He took a rapid decision to appeal for england aid . 他當機立斷,馬上向英格蘭求援。

The newspapers are too fond of knocking the england team . 報紙專門愛挖苦英格蘭隊。

Lung cancer became common in england and welsh . 肺癌在英格蘭和威爾士已經很普遍了。

I had left england to escape from my own future . 我離開英國是為了逃避自己的命運。