
enemy n.1.敵人,仇敵;〔集合詞〕敵軍,敵艦;敵機;敵國。2...


Paul and he were confirmed enemies . 保羅和他是不共戴天的死敵。

The advance detachment has engaged the enemy . 先頭部隊打響了。

Our troops have broken through the enemy 's line . 我軍沖破了敵人的防線。

The enemy drew back into a few fortified points .. 敵人退縮到幾個據點里。

The enemy ran away at our approach . 敵人已在我軍逼近時逃竄了。

The enemy was put to rout all along the line . 敵人已全線崩潰。

The enemy dropped their weapons and fled . 敵人扔下武器逃跑了。

The enemy grew desperate at the defeat . 敵人因戰敗而拼死掙扎。

Enemy troops struck just before dawn . 敵軍在拂曉前發起了進攻。

He was basely slandered by his enemies . 他受到仇敵卑鄙的詆毀。

A successful man often has many enemies . 一個有成就的人往往有很多仇敵。

Nixon felt he was always in enemy territory . 尼克松卻總有如臨敵境之感。

The rocket penetrated the enemy 's tank . 火箭擊穿了敵人的坦克。

The boy was barbarously murdered by the enemy ... 這個少年被敵人慘殺了。

The enemy had a lively time during the battle ... 敵人在戰火中大為慌亂。

They revenged their late lord upon his enemy . 他們為先主向其敵人報仇。

Our tanks have breached the enemy defenses . 我方坦克突破了敵人的防線。

The hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy . 手榴彈在敵人頭上開花。

The enemy still seemed to be fading away . 敵人好似依然節節敗退。