
endotracheal adj.【解剖學】氣管內的。


We present here a case of a patient with glottic stenosis following endotracheal intubation , who experienced this potentially catastrophic combustion during endoscopic arytenoidectomy , using a diode laser under general anesthesia via 60 % fio2 , with an airway fire occurring at the tracheostomy tube and causing tubal damage and obstruction 我們報告一位因氣管插管所導致的真聲帶狹窄病例,在氧氣分率60 %的全身麻醉下,使用二極體激光從事內視鏡披裂軟骨切除手術時,發生氣切管著火。

If they are unable to protect their airway due to encephalopathy or massive stroke , they may be intubated ( have an endotracheal tube placed through their mouth or nose into the trachea ) to minimize the possibility of aspiration 如果病人因腦病或大面積中風無法保護氣道,這時就需要插管(即經口或鼻施行氣管內插管) ,最大限度地減少抽吸可能性。

When this occurs , the doctors and respiratory therapists begin the process of decreasing , or “ weaning , “ ventilator support until the endotracheal tube can be removed , a process known as extubation 如要除去呼吸機,醫生和呼吸治療師通常要先逐漸減少或“斷奶”呼吸機支持,最后才撥掉氣管內插管,即撥管。

We continue our discussion of airway management today . proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to avoid mainstem bronchial intubation . today ' s questions concern proper positioning of an ett within the trachea 恰當的氣管內插管對避免主支氣管插管非常重要,本周我們討論ett在氣管內的恰當位置。

We continue our discussion of airway management today . proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to aoid mainstem bronchial intubation . today ' s questions concern proper positioning of an ett within the trachea 恰當的氣管內插管對避免主支氣管插管非常重要,本周我們討論ett在氣管內的恰當位置。

Methods : sixteen cases of complex maxillofacial fractures were treated with submandibular endotracheal intubation , self - made tube was used to assist tube guidance during operation 方法:對16例頜面部復雜骨折患者實施下須下徑路經口氣管內插管麻醉,術中使用自行研制的引管裝置輔助引管。

Besides , the flexometallic ( fm ) or armoured endotracheal tubes may be good substitutes for the polyvinyl chloride ( pvc ) ones in preventing the ett kinking during general anesthesia 此外,含鐵絲且有彈性之氣管內管可以取代聚氯乙醯管子作為預防氣管內管彎折之代替品。

We report a patient with an undiagnosed tif who suffered massive bleeding from tracheostomy when we replaced the tracheostomy tube with an oral endotracheal tube 我們報告一個未被診斷出來有氣管無名動脈瘺管的病人,在從氣管造瘺管更換成口管時發生大量氣道出血。

However , failure to secure free airway following airway obstruction due to kinking of endotracheal tube or other tube problems may lead to lethality instead of lifesaving 然而,若因管子彎折或其他問題導致呼吸道阻塞而無法及時排除和處理常常造成病患死亡。

If necessary , the stylet can be used to reshape the endotracheal tube , as in the “ hockey stick ” maneuver , to facilitate intubation of an anterior larynx 必要時,管芯還起類似“曲棍球”的方法來重塑氣管導管,使其易于進入上咽喉部。

Purpose : to investigate the application of submandibular endotracheal intubation for treatment of patients with complex maxillofacial fractures 摘要目的:探討下頜下徑路經口氣管內插管在復雜頜面部骨折治療中的應用。

What is the appropriate distance from the teeth to the tip of an endotracheal tube ? from the nares to the tip for a nasal intubation 牙齒到氣管導管頭端的核實距離為多少?鼻插管時鼻孔到導管尖端的距離有多少?

Such subglottic ulcers are produced with prolonged endotracheal intubation in which the cuff of the endotracheal tube fits too tight 這樣的聲門下潰瘍是可由長期的氣管內插管造成的,往往見于插管過緊。

Endotracheal tube ( ett ) fire is a catastrophic disaster that may occur during laser surgery of the upper airway 摘要二氧化碳雷射應用在上呼吸道部位的手術時,造成氣管內管起火燃劃極嚴重的一個并發癥。

You should always achieve the best possible view of the vocal cords before attempting to insert the endotracheal tube 總之,在嘗試氣管插管前,你應當總是盡可能使聲帶調節到最佳的觀察視野。

If such a device is not available , you may use adhesive tape or cloth endotracheal - tube tape 如果固定器不能完全有效的固定,可以使用一根膠帶或布的氣管插管固定帶。

The effects of introvenous tramal before endotracheal intubation on hemodynamics and blood sugar 小劑量曲馬多靜注行氣管插管對血流動力學和血糖的影響

Kinking of endotracheal tube ( ett ) is not an infrequent problem during general anesthesia 摘要在全身麻醉插管病患中,氣管內管彎折其實是常見的問題。

What is the effect of head position changes on the depth of an endotracheal tube 頭部位置的變化對氣管內插管深度有何影響?請詳細描述。