
endear vt.使受喜愛,使被愛戀。 endear oneself...


Thus we are deprived of every thing that hath a tendency to make life even tolerable , the endearing ties of husband and wife we are strangers to for we are no longer man and wife than our masters or mistresses think proper married or unmarried 這樣我們就被剝奪了一切哪怕使生活僅可忍受的東西,夫妻之間的甜蜜關系與我們無緣,因為我們不再是像我們的男主人或女主人認為的那樣經正當結合或未曾結婚的夫妻。

David bertram ogilvy freeman - mitford , 2nd lord redesdale ( 1878 - 1958 ) - father of the six famous mitford sisters , he is an endearing literary figure as depicted in nancy ' s two best known books “ love in a cold climate “ and “ the pursuit of love “ 大衛?弗里德曼?米特福德,世襲里德斯勛爵二世,是米特福德六姐妹的父親,他在南希那兩部著名小說( 《戀戀冬季》和《逐愛》 )中是一個討人喜歡的文學角色。

People can live in harmony with one another only when they regain that simple and basic love , which alone will bless them with the endearing closeness of family life that can be found even in a small house , rather than a stately mansion complete with limousines 人唯有找尋到那最原始,最單純的愛,才能和平相處。就算沒有大房子大汽車,你也能在小房子里享受那親密的家庭生活。

In 1989 , tom hanks won a golden globe award , the los angeles film critics award and earned his first oscar nomination for his endearing role of a little boy in a man ' s body in penny marshall ' s big 1989年湯姆漢克斯贏得了金球獎和洛杉機電影評論獎,并且在彭妮?馬歇爾導演的中扮演了哪個具有小孩靈魂的大人而備受歡迎也因此貨得了他的第一個奧斯卡提名。

Fortunately for the canine from prairie city , iowa , those traits endeared him to judges monday in the “ beautiful bulldog “ contest , an annual event held to draw attention to the 98th running of the drake relays 幸運的是,正是這些特點使得這只來自愛荷華州大草原市的牛頭犬獲得本周一“最靚牛頭犬”選美大賽的冠軍,這項年度賽事拉開了第98屆德雷克接力賽的序幕。

Fortunately for the canine from prairie city , iowa , those traits endeared him to judges monday in the “ beautiful bulldog “ contest , an annual event held to draw attention to the 98th running of the drake relays 幸運的是,正是這些特點使得這只來自愛荷華州大草原市的牛頭犬獲得本周一“最靚牛頭犬”選美大賽的冠軍,這項年度賽事拉開了第98屆德雷克接力賽的序幕。

For tommy and jacky caffrey were twins , scarce four years old and very noisy and spoiled twins sometimes but for all that darling little fellows with bright merry faces and endearing ways about them 湯米和杰基卡弗里是雙胞胎,不滿四歲,有時吵鬧得厲害,被寵壞了。盡管那樣,兩張活潑快樂的小臉蛋兒和惹人喜愛的動作使他們依然是人人疼愛的小寶寶。

The idea of north s incredible sound and superb arrangements , coupled with their relaxed presentation and endearing sense of humour have made them a live act which goes well beyond the extraordinary quality of their recordings 他們現場表演的音色美妙絕倫,編曲超卓一流,而且神態輕松自如、幽默風趣,效果把音質本已極佳的錄音都比下去。

Braintipped , cheek touched with flame , they listened feeling that flow endearing flow over skin limbs human heart soul spine . bloom signed to pat , bald pat is a waiter hard of hearing , to set ajar the door of the bar 他們腦子里充滿了興奮欣喜,漲紅了雙頰,邊聽邊感受到一股戀慕之情流過肌膚四肢心臟靈魂和脊背。

By contrast , the radiating stars in enlightenment are an intuitive design taking the viewer to the nighttime sky . endearing , natural and rich in innocent fun , its galaxy - like form evokes boundless imagery 開悟中放射狀的星型不僅信手捻來,造型極為可愛自然,饒富童趣,更如銀河閃閃星光般引發人們無盡的想像。

Hello to all those gorgeous woman out there , im a very nice man with lots of good and endearing qualities , typically need a good woman in my life to greatly enhance the person who i am 翻譯:所有在那邊的漂亮女人.你們好.我是一個好男人,我有很多令人鐘愛的良好品質.我希望在我生命里有一個心地善良的女人陪伴

With different characteristics and specialties , we united together for the dedication of cricket development inasmuch as we all have been bowled over by and had an endearing crush on cricket 我們各有不同的性格專長,皆因鍾愛木球而不分彼此的走在一起,想的就是要為香港的木球發展出點力。

Italy coach giovanni trapattoni takes flak after the uefa euro 2004 defeat by wales . i ' m too good a coach for this team ? coach jupp heynckes fails to endear himself to the athletic club bilbao fans 這支球隊配不上我這樣的好教練-無法贏得球迷喜愛的畢爾巴鄂競技隊教練賈普-亨克斯如是說。

The young man , standing up before her , gazed upon her with that filial affection which is so tender and endearing with children whose mothers are still young and handsome 站在她面前的這個青年溫柔地望著她,他這時所流露出來的母子間的親情,簡直比那些母親還年輕美麗的小孩子更加真摯。

In scandinavia , royal figures endear themselves to their people by bicycling around just like everyone else ; in britain and monaco , an omnipresent press spotlights the heir to the british throne 在英國和摩洛哥,無所不在的新聞界,使王位繼承人成為眾所矚目的焦點。

How first he saw that form endearing , how sorrow seemed to part , how look , form , word charmed him gould lidwell , won pat bloom s heart 他是怎樣初次瞥見那綽約的身姿,悲哀是怎樣似乎消失的,她的眼神豐韻和談吐如何使古爾德164和利德維爾著迷,如何贏得了帕特。

At times , mourinho ' s candor and apparent gruffness have endeared him to and also alienated him from an often ferocious english news media 很多時候,穆里尼奧坦率而暴躁的性格會使得他頗受那些喜歡窮追猛打的英國媒體的鐘愛,而他的脾氣又讓他和這些媒體關系冷淡。

With those dazzling poster boy looks , ronan keating became one of europe ' s most endearing stars as the leader of the irish boy band boyzone 憑借英俊的男生面龐,羅南?基丁作為愛爾蘭男生組合“男孩地帶”的主唱成為了歐洲最受歡迎的明星。

As time went on , although he lived primarily in the brush , the habits of this timid creature endeared him more and more to all of us 隨著時間的流逝,盡管他主要生活在灌木叢中,這個羞怯的動物的習性卻讓我們越來越喜歡他了。