
empty adj.1.空的,空著的。2.空虛的,空洞的。3.無聊的...

empty word

Put your empties on the doorstep for the milkman . 把空奶瓶放到門階上,等送奶人來取。

You will find the nest empty when you come tomorrow . 你明天來時將發現這個窩是空的。

So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough . 她迅速地把水罐里的水統統倒進水槽。

He scrutinised the apparently empty space keenly . 他仔細察看了那顯然是空虛的地方。

The smell of her perfume lingered in the empty house . 空屋里仍然飄溢著她的香水味。

He is a little shocked, a little empty . 他當下不覺微微一震,依稀有些茫茫若失之感。

It was as if a basin of water had been emptied over him . 好象一盆水潑他身上似的。

The room was emptied very quickly . 房間很快就騰空了。

It was an empty whisky bottle . 這是個空的威士忌酒瓶。

The streets were empty except for a few stray . 除了寥寥幾個行人外,街上空空如也。

She emptied the milk into the pan . 她把牛奶倒進鍋里。

The big river empties into the sea . 這條大河流入滄海。

Those empty tins are then melted down and reused . 空罐經過熔煉后,還可重新利用。

He rattled the empty machine spitefully . 他怒氣沖沖地把那個空機器敲得咚咚直響。

The villages were almost emptying . 鄉村差不多都走空了。

He tilted the car ( up ) to empty it . 他把小車傾側倒空。

She looked at him with empty eyes . 她用呆板的眼光望著他。

The germans found an empty camp . 德國人在營房里撲了個空。

This organization is but a empty shell . 這個機構形同虛設。