
employable adj.1.能使用的。2.可雇用的〔尤指適于雇用的或滿足...


President prof edward chen in todays address said lingnan has emerged over the past 10 years as a distinctive institution in hong kong , and has established a model of “ liberal arts plus “ which excels not only in teaching in the finest tradition of liberal arts colleges in the us , but also in research comparable to our most research intensive institutions in hong kong . the university produced also very employable graduates who are highly regarded by employers 嶺大校長陳坤耀教授在畢業禮致辭時表示,嶺大在過去十年間已發展成為香港一所獨特的高等學府,并成功確立了一個獨特的超博雅教育liberal arts - plus模式,不但秉承了美國博雅學府的優良傳統,在教學方面取得超卓成就,在學術研究方面,亦表現卓越,成績足以媲美香港研究型的高等學府。

In order to ensure the job seeker is lawfully employable before they enter into a contract of employment . persons permitted to remain on visitor , student , employment conditions or persons whose travel documents are endorsed with a condition of stay that “ employment is not permitted “ are not lawfully employable without first obtaining approval from the director of immigration 凡獲準以訪客、學生、雇傭工作等條件在港逗留的人士或旅行證件上載有持證人不得從事雇傭工作的逗留條件的人士,如未獲入境事務處處長批準,均不可合法受雇。

Our employment services are offered to job seekers who are legally employable in hksar , including those holding hong kong identity card or valid travel document with an endorsement by the hk immigration department for employment in hong kong within a specific period which has not yet expired 我們為可以在香港特別行政區合法地工作的求職人士提供服務,即持有有效香港特別行政區身份證的人士、或持旅游證件并獲香港特別行政區入境事務處簽發有效的工作簽證的人士。

In the presence of his lawyer , a 54 - year - old man surrendered to the police at kwun tong police station at about 4 . 30 pm today ( august 12 ) . he was subsequently arrested for employing persons not lawfully employable and is still detained by the district crime squad of kwun tong for enquiries 今日(八月十二日)下午約四時三十分,一名五十四歲男子在律師陪同下到觀塘警署自首,隨后他涉嫌雇用不可合法受雇的人而被捕,現正被觀塘警區重案組扣查。

Where an ordinance requires the data user to collect the id card number , e . g . section 17k of the immigration ordinance ( cap . 115 ) requires employers to keep a record of the number of the document , which is usually an id card , by virtue of which each employee is lawfully employable 條例規定資料使用者須收集身分證號碼,例如《人民入境條例》 (第115章)第17k條規定雇主須備存每名雇員可藉以合法地受雇的證件的號碼的紀錄,這證件通常是身分證。

Persons permitted to remain on visitor , student , employment conditions or persons whose travel documents are endorsed with a condition of stay that “ employment is not permitted “ are not lawfully employable without first obtaining approval from the director of immigration 凡獲準以訪客、學生、雇傭工作等條件在港逗留的人士或旅行證件上載有持證人不得從事雇傭工作的逗留條件的人士,如未獲入境事務處處長批準,均不可合法受雇。

The university of bedfordshire ' s careers service has been commended by the association of graduate careers advisory services ( agcas ) for incorporating skills into degree courses to make students more employable 2006年9月,在最近的一份年報上,貝德福德大學職業服務中心獲得來自英國畢業生就業咨詢服務協會( agcas )的表揚,貝德福德大學將擇業技巧融入日常學位課程中,使學生就業率獲得極大地提高。

In the meantime , we will ensure the availability of an effective and sustainable safety net to meet the basic and special needs of the financially vulnerable members of our community whilst assisting those employable ones to become self - reliant 與此同時,我們會確立有效和可持續的安全網,以照顧經濟上有困難的市民解決基本和特別需要,而我們同時也會協助有工作能力的市民自力更生。

For professor lau , a great university must do more than produce employable graduates for the local , national and international economies . its education should offer to transform the whole person , helping each student to realize his or her potential 劉教授認為,卓越的學府不只要為當地社會、國家和國際經濟體系培育人才,還要藉教育改變個人,幫助每個學生發揮自己的潛能。

Reading , writing , mathematics , problem solving and interpersonal skills training that enable adults to communicate in english , use math , obtain a high school diploma or ged and become productive , employable citizens 讀,寫,數學,解決問題的能力以及人際交往能力的技能培訓,使成人可以使用英語溝通,使用數學,取得高中文憑或ged證書,從而成為有用的具備工作能力的公民

Three men were arrested for breaching condition of stay , one for illegal immigration and two local men , who were believed to have employed the four men for decoration work , for employing a person not lawfully employable 三名男子涉嫌違反逗留條件、一名男子涉嫌非法入境、及兩名相信雇用該四名男子做裝修工程的本地男子涉嫌雇用非法勞工而被捕。

To strengthen the active employment assistance programme to provide employable cssa recipients with more targeted assistance upon their entry into the cssa system , including direct job matching where possible 加強積極就業援助計劃,在有工作能力的綜援受助人開始領取綜援時,即為他們提供更專注的協助,如情況可行,會為他們直接安排工作選配;

E . g . section 17k of the immigration ordinance ( cap . 115 ) requires employers to keep a record of the number of the document , which is usually an id card , by virtue of which each employee is lawfully employable 例如《人民入境條例》 (第115章)第17k條規定雇主須備存每名雇員可藉以合法地受雇的證件的號碼的紀錄,這證件通常是身份證。

The analysis shows that the structure cost of the system decreases 5 % - 10 % , structure engineering man - hour 20 % - 30 % , employable areas increase 3 % - 5 % and the energy cost can be reduced greatly 計算表明:該體系比相同布置的磚混體系土建造價可降低5 10 ,土建用工可減少20 30 ,使用面積可增加3 5 ,能耗也可大大降低。

The introduction of a w - prefix identity card for lawfully employable imported workers and foreign domestic helpers is yet another measure to help guard against the menace of illegal employment activities 為了打擊非法雇用活動,我們以“ w “字頭的身份證號碼,清楚區分合法輸入的勞工和海外家庭傭工。

A study commissioned by a trade group , the national association of software and service companies , or nasscom , found only one in four engineering graduates to be employable 由貿易團體國際軟件和服務聯合公司組織的一項研究發現,只有四分之一的工程師畢業生能找到工作。

As mpf retirement benefits are meant to support the livelihood of the recipient when he is no longer employable , they should be disregarded in computing disposable capital 由于強積金的退休金的原意是在受款人不再受雇時支持他的生活,因此在計算可動用資產時應獲豁免。

The forum is an initiative from cultural and education section of the british embassy aiming to develop effective ways to create employable and enterprising global citizens 本論壇由英國大使館文化教育處發起,為培養具有就業能力和創業精神人才開發有效的途徑。

The middle management is the main power of the company . a lot of employable middle managers are necessary for the company to satisfy the requirement of the development 企業中層管理人員是企業的中堅力量,企業的發展需要大量稱職的中層管理人員來支撐。