
emotional adj.1.情緒的,感情的。2.容易激動,易動感情的,感...

emotional intelligence

Given work which demands emotional restraint and control, the family provides a haven for the “release“ of feelings . 如果說工作要求約束和控制感情的話,家庭則提供了一個“釋放”感情的避風港。

My fantasies were a moral bulwark that enabled me to feel i was keeping my emotional integrity whole . 我的種種幻想都是一種道義上的保障,使我感到我在保持自己感情尊嚴的完整性。

Ideal physical beauty is incompatible with emotional development and a full recognition of the coil of things . 發展感情同時認識全部事物的糾纏紛淆是不適合于理想的形體美的。

The nonadvertising program is designed to leave undisturbed these emotional associations of commercials . 非廣告的節目的設計,要考慮到不會干擾這些激動人心的廣告之間的聯想。

Celia was about to speak when suddenly, without warning, her emotional defences wavered and collapsed . 西莉亞正想說什么,忽然,她感情的閘門晃了晃,毫無預兆就轟然洞開了。

Marriage was now expected to supply not only security from physical want but also emotional and sexual fulfillment . 婚姻不僅需要物質欲望的滿足,而且需要情感和性的滿足。

Men and women alike screamed with rage, fear and desperation, all mixed into one emotional spasm . 男男女女都一樣,又氣,又怕,又絕望,而齊聲叫了起來,大家都情緒激忿。

It's a very emotional thing for people who have been working in the same plant for twenty or thirty years . 這對于在同一個廠子里工作了二三十年的人來說是很傷感情的事。

If bertrand were still suspicious, he might worm the story out of her by emotional pressure . 伯特蘭德假如仍舊疑心忡忡,也許會從感情方面施加壓力,從她身上探出真情。

No one could say where the emotional center was, and no one could locate the heart of a cloud . 沒有人能說得出興奮中心在什么地方,沒有人能找到一團浮云的中心在那兒。

His intelligence was great, his power of reasoning impressive, but his emotional nature was meager . 他睿智恢宏,推理能力驚人,然而他表露感情的天性卻有所不足。

Nursing produces an emotional closeness between a mother and her child that has immeasurable value . 哺乳可促使母子間的感情親密,其價值是無法衡量的。

It is primarily a form of emotional expression, a gesture, or dramatic performance . 它主要是一種感情的表達方式,一種姿態,或是一種富于戲劇性的表演。

Intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence . 智力上和感情上的努力在理解空間實際存在的形體時是必要的。

Laura bo was using her stature as a scientist to make non-scientific, emotional appeal . 勞拉波在利用她科學家的地位作了一次非科學的、情感的呼吁。

Person may suffer from loneliness, fear, anxiety, or other emotional responses to stress . 人們可以因孤獨、恐懼、焦慮或其它感情上壓抑等而感到痛苦。

The mass of people took the war in stride, without emotional excitement or hysteria . 廣大人民從容地應付著戰爭,既沒有群情激奮,也沒有歇斯底里。

While listening to the vivid language of the sermons i was pulled toward emotional belief . 聆聽著這些布道的生動語言,在精神上我被吸引得信服了。

Material causes and emotional effects are not to be arranged in regular equation . 物質的原因所引起的感情上的后果是不能用普通的方程式來計算的。