
emergency n.突然事件;緊急情況,非常時期。 take emerg...

emergency act

Said poor jeanie, tendering that portion which she had separated from her principal stock, and kept apart for such an emergency . 可憐的珍妮邊說邊撫摸著從主要存款中留出的那些錢,這錢就是為這樣的緊急情況準備的。

The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon, an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment . 這個外科醫療隊由一名高級外科醫師、一名麻醉師及一名手術室護士組成,并帶有整套急救設備。

At first this emergency economic program drew great criticism because it destroyed surplus food and plowed under planted crops . 起初,這個應急的經濟計劃引起了大量批評,因為這毀棄了剩余糧食,翻耕了青苗地。

There is no reason why we should not take a finished vessel and lease it to them for the duration of the emergency . 值此非常時期,我們沒有理由不把造好的船只租借給他們使用。

Then, while wally was still being brought down from the tower, standard emergency procedures went into high gear . 然而,沒等把沃利從塔上搞下來,就迅速采取了正規的緊急措施。

He was possessed of a moral and physical courage which was equal to every emergency in which he was placed . 無論身處何種緊急情況,他都具有精神上和肉體上的勇氣以應付該情況。

The amount, if any, may be expected, however, to be small enough to be tolerable under emergency conditions . 如果有的話,預料其程度可能很少,因此在非常情況下是可以容忍的。

After police clashed with the demonstrators, allende declared a state of emergency in santiago province . 警察與示威群眾發生沖突后,阿連德宣布圣地亞哥省處于緊急狀態。

Thurston had driven nim to a nearby suburban hospital emergency room where several stitches were put in . 瑟斯頓又開車把尼姆送附近一家郊區醫院的急診室縫了幾針。

Telephone manufacturers believe a variety of emergency and remote features will be hot sellers . 電話制造商認為各種具有應急和遙控特點的電話將成為熱門貨。

But afterwards you would have to satisfy me, and also andrew, that an emergency had existed . 但是,事后你必須向我,還有安德魯證明確實出現了緊急情況。

He must not only conduct everyday and ceremonial affairs, but rise to great emergencies . 他不單單要處理日常和典禮上的事務,而且也對緊急事項應付自如。

She pushed the thought firmly back into her mind and grappled with the more pressing emergency . 她極力把這種想法壓在心里以求解決目前更加緊急的問題。

When massive emergency transfusions become commonplace, a patient is usually in deep trouble . 一個連大量的急救輸血都見怪不怪的病人,恐怕前途不妙。

We always regard him as a friend , but he showed his colours in the current emergency . 我們一貫把他看作朋友,但在當前的緊急關頭中,他原形畢露了。

None of us had seen an emergency like this and we were all flying by the seat of our pants . 我們誰都沒有遇到過這種緊急情況,只好憑感覺駕駛飛機。

Two days before he came into the emergency room he began to have chills, fever, and a cough . 他到急診室前兩天開始打寒戰,發燒和咳嗽。

In response to the president's appeal, congress approved the federal emergency relief act . 國會響應總統呼吁,通過聯邦緊急救濟法。

He was throughout his period the masterful opponent of all emergency measures . 在他的任期內,他是一切緊急措施的最有力的反對者。