
embonpoint n.〔法語〕 〔通常指婦女肥胖的客氣話〕發福。


Nevertheless , he sat tight , just viewing the slightly soiled photo creased by opulent curves , none the worse for wear , however , and looked away thoughtfully with the intention of not further increasing the other s possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint 盡管如此,他依然端坐在那里,瞅著那張豐滿的曲線起了皺折稍帶點污跡的照片,然而它并未由于陳舊而變得遜色。為了不至于進一步增添對方在掂掇她那隆起的豐腴231胸脯的勻稱美時可能感到的窘迫,他體貼入微地把視線移開了。

As to blanche de sivry , whose real name was jacqueline bandu , she hailed from a village near amiens . magnificent in person , stupid and untruthful in character , she gave herself out as the granddaughter of a general and never owned to her thirty - two summers . the russians had a great taste for her , owing to her embonpoint 至于布朗瑟德西弗里,她的真實姓名是雅克琳博杜,她來自亞眠附近的一個村莊,她很美麗,但很蠢,愛扯謊,自稱是一個將軍的孫女,不承認自己有三十二歲她很受俄國人賞識,因為她長相富態。

The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap , displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint 那位美女把她那鑲邊的貉皮大氅脫下來甩在一邊,裸露

Fishgluey slime her heaving embonpoint ! 魚膠般的黏液她那一起一伏的豐腴魅力