
elusory adj.難以捉摸的,容易逃逸的。


A third time he approached in the same manner , when the christian knight , desirous to terminate this elusory warfare , in which he might at length have been worn out by the activity of his foeman , suddenly seized the mace which hung at his saddlebow , and , with a strong hand and unerring aim , hurled it against the head of the emir , for such and not less his enemy appeared 第三次他又猛撲,這時基督教騎士不愿老讓敵人用這種方式消耗白己力量,決定結束這種虛晃一著的戰斗,突然拿起放在馬鞍前穹上的釘頭錘狠命地一扔,錘頭準確地直指這個酋長的頭部(看起來這個敵人的身份不會低于酋長) 。

“ . who with parables sustained by imagination , compassion and irony continually enables us once again to apprehend an elusory reality 由于他那極富想象力同情心和頗具反諷意味的作品,我們得以反復重溫那一段難以捉摸的歷史