
elusive adj.1.閃避的,逃避的。2.無從捉摸的,油滑的;容易...


Humility is an elusive attribute , which often seems to evade definition 謙卑是一種非常難以琢磨的品質,人們常常很難給謙卑下一個定義。

The human soul ? or its physiological equivalent ? has proved surprisingly elusive 人們的靈魂-或它的生理等價物-被證實是令人驚訝的難懂。

The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 在任何時候都難以捉摸的西北航路在北極圈都有它自己的作用。

The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 曾經令人困惑的西北航道在北極現身了/揭開了它的神秘面紗。

And hopefully taking that elusive win at the european grand prix , also 但是我也非常渴望為法拉利拿下這個極具挑戰性的歐洲站冠軍。

The sweet meaty taste , thin and elusive almost as a memory , maddened him 香甜的肉味,像是模模糊糊的回憶,難以捉摸,使他發狂。

Interpol have searched all the corners of the earth for the elusive hijackers 國際刑警組織已在世界各地搜查在逃的飛機劫持者。

The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 從來都讓人難以琢磨的西北航道可能將在顯現在北極。

I was among the scientists spurred to search for these elusive specimens 我正是受到激勵,動身尋找這難尋標本的科學家之一。

The pictured critter was not even the elusive american crocodile , crocodylus acutus 圖上的動物甚至不是神出鬼沒的美洲鱷。

Federal funding would surely push them faster towards those elusive cures 聯邦基金無疑會更快的推動研究取得突破性進展。

Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive 立即解決貧困問題的辦法仍然是難以捉摸的。

Immediate solutio for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive 立即解決貧困問題的辦法仍然是難以捉摸的。

The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 不曾通航的西北航道可能在北極顯現出來。

I believe that as years go by , the answer become more elusive 我相信隨著時光的流逝,答案會變得越來越令人困惑

Yet what is it about the tremolo which makes it so elusive to students 那是什么讓輪指使學生們如此難以捉摸呢?

And the truth is elusive , because it knows where to hide 但事實卻讓人捉摸不透,因為它知道到哪兒去藏身。

The harder researchers look for it , the more elusive it appears 研究人員越苦苦尋覓,好像它越撲朔迷離。

For shaw to use his legs , stay on the outside , remain elusive 肖有必要靠他的靈活來躲閃,避免直接對抗