
eligibility n.


Extended green form eligibility 擴大類別綠表資格

Fee table - verification of eligibility for permanent identity card 收費表-核實永久性居民身份證資格的有關收費

Age of eligibility for candidature 合資格參選年齡

Leave passage eligibility period 度假旅費資格周期

For eligibility requirements . for contest entry questions , please call us 如有比賽資格上的問題,請連系我們。

Eligibility for public benefits 享用公共福利的資格

2 . eligibility and enrollment 2 .參加資格及參加手續

Core eligibility criteria ; and 1主要合資格準則;及

Eligibility criteria and application 申請資格及手續

If an agency member ceases to fulfill the eligibility criteria as prescribed in 之規定者;凡機構會員不符合

Eligibility criteria for loans exceeding hk 5 million and up to hk 8 million 介乎500萬港元至800萬港元貸款的

Eligibility of us green card holders for candidature in legco elections 美國綠卡持有人參選立法會的資格問題

Certificate of eligibility to purchase 購樓資格證明書

Applicant who has not submitted an application for assessment of eligibility 申請人從沒有遞交資格評估申請

Target groups eligibility criteria 服務對象和申請資格

The eligibility criteria and application fee for the “ travel pass “ 申請“旅游通行證”的資格準則及費用

Certificates of eligibility had been granted to successful applicants 份合格證明書予成功申請的人士。

A : yes , as long as they meet the other eligibility requirements 答:有資格,但必須符合其他資格條件。

Hon ronny tong raised a question on “ eligibility for cssa “ 湯家驊議員就“綜援的申請資格“提出質詢。