
elfish adj.小精靈一樣的;頑皮的,淘氣的,惡作劇的。adv....


As they crept along , stooping low to discern the plant , a soft yellow gleam was reflected from the buttercups into their shaded faces , giving them an elfish , moonlit aspect , though the sun was pouring upon their backs in all the strength of noon . angel clare , who communistically stuck to his rule of taking part with the rest in everything , glanced up now and then 他們一路搜索的時候,腰彎得低低的,以便看得見地上的蒜苗,陽光照射在毛茛上,從上面反射出來的柔和的黃色光線投射在他們背朝陽光的臉上,使他們看上去有些像在月光照射下的虛無縹緲的樣子,盡管此時的太陽正在用中午的全部力量把光線照射在他們的背上。

Pearl pointed upward , also , at a similar picture in the head - piece ; smiling at her mother , with the elfish intelligence that was so familiar an expression on her small physiognomy 珠兒還向上指著頭盔中一個相似的映象,一邊向母親笑著,小臉上又露出了那常有的鬼精靈的表現。

Hester , the evil which she inherited from her mother must be great indeed , if a noble woman do not grow out of this elfish child 海絲特自忖,這個小精靈似的孩子已經具備了這些純正的秉賦,如若再不能成長為一個高貴的婦人,那就是她從母親身上繼承到的邪惡實在太大了。

I was thinking , sir you will excuse the idea ; it was involuntary , i was thinking of hercules and samson with their charmers - you were , you little elfish - “我在想,先生你會原諒我這個想法,油然而生的想法,我想起了赫拉克勒斯參孫和使他們著迷的美女。 ”

Or is she an elfish spirit , who , as the legends of our childhood taught us , is forbidden to cross a running stream 要不,說不定她是個小精靈,象我們兒時的童話所教的,她是不準渡過流淌的溪流的吧?

Or , if not , thou strange and elfish child , whence didst thou come ? 要不是這樣,你這個怪里怪氣的小妖精似的孩子是從哪兒來的? ”

As to the thoughts , they are elfish 至于那些思想,倒是有些妖氣。