
elephantiasis n.【醫學】象皮病。


Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa describes the cutaneous changes including dermal fibrosis , hyperkeratotic , verrucous , and papillomatous lesions that occur after chronic secondary , nonfilarial lymphedema 摘要疣狀非血絲蟲性象皮病其皮膚變化包含真皮層纖維化,表皮過度角化,疣狀突起及乳突狀病灶。

We report a case of elephantiasis nostras verrucosa without adequate care before effectively managed by simple treatment 治療目標首要減少淋巴郁積及其衍生的并發癥。

Traces of elephantiasis have been discovered among his ascendants 曾經發現他的祖先有著象皮病跡象。

Million treated against elephantiasis 千萬象皮病患者接受了治療