
elephant n.1.象。2.象牌圖畫紙〔28×23英寸〕。短語和例子...


Lt ' s like asking who made up the elephant jokes 就像問我誰編的大象笑話一樣

Hope your elephant tashan , the toughness is meaningless 希望你象大山,剛毅無謂!

The elephant ' s trunk is a unique form of appendage 象的鼻子是一種獨特的附肢

The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus 大象是馬戲團的主要招徠力。

Elephant trank hill , seven - star park , nanxi hill park 象鼻山七星公園南溪山公園。

Fashion room elephant motel , harbin reservation 時尚房,哈爾濱大象快捷酒店預訂

Hugo - spits tell carl to load my elephant gun 雨果,讓卡爾給我的獵象槍上膛

Elephant trunk hill appears on the following banknote 桂林的象鼻山出現于下列錢鈔

Manufacturer of double elephant brand sesame oil -生產“湘君”牌系列植物油。

Hope your elephant hurricane , determinedly resolute 希望你象颶風,堅決果斷!

I do not want an elephant inside a boa constrictor 我不是要吞了大象的大蟒蛇圖。

Eloquent elephants telephoned elegant eletants 雄辯地大象給優雅的大象打電話。

Did you see any elephants in the zoo last week 上星期你在動物園里看到大象了嗎?

Standard room elephant motel , harbin reservation 標準房,哈爾濱大象快捷酒店預訂

The animals in effect became pygmy elephants 而結果,這些象群成了今天的矮象。

We could hear elephants pounding along 我們可聽到大象快步行走的沉重的腳步聲。

Come on , the elephants ! win the cup is style 科特迪瓦:加油,巨象們,瀟灑的捧起金杯

What do you give an elephant with big feet 對于一只長著大腳的大象該給它什么?

We here talk of thousands of these elephant monsters , 這里有成千上萬可怕的大象