
elementary adj.1.初步的,初等的;基本的,根本的,本質的。2....

elementary particle

In elementary school , the child learns to read and write 在小學,孩子學習讀和寫。

Elementary talk on choice and management of supplier 淺議供貨廠商的選擇與管理

So you were at your elementary school reunion 這么說你是去參加小學同學聚會?

The elementary exploration of opportunity in making innovations 創新中的機遇初探

Look on elementary mathematics from mathematical analysis 從數學分析看初等數學

Reconstructing elementary and secondary school culture 高級中等教育制度之研究。

Elementary introduction to chinese jade jewelry culture 淺談我國的玉石首飾文化

Willow road elementary school , third grade , retired 柳樹路基礎學校3年級已退休

Elementary thoughts on humanity of fine art education 美術教育的人文價值及追求

Elementary discussion on the pollution of groumdwater resources 淺論地下水污染

This elementary school is affiliated to a university 這所小學附屬于一所大學。

A study of moral education in rok s elementary schools 韓國初等學校道德教育研究

Elementary schools generally end at the sixth grade 基礎教育一般在六年級結束。

Elementary study of governmental public relations for crisis 淺析危機公關的作用

I learned to swim when i was in elementary school 我在小學的時候就學會游泳了。

Leadership clearly incapable of grasping the complexity of the office or in constant need of briefing on the most elementary issues elicits the most self-willed assertions of foreign service parochialism . 如果領導顯然無力應付復雜的工作,或是連最基本的問題也需要經常聽取匯報,那就會引起外交人員自作主張,大搞本位主義。

The bohr theory, with its strong flavor of elementary classical mechanics, formed an important bridge between classical physics and present-day atomic theory . 玻爾理論具有強烈的初等古典力學的氣味,這就構成了古典物理和近代原子理論間的一座重要的橋梁。

They are therefore introduced only in an elementary way to show their basic principles and for the added insight they give into colour theory . 因此,只是向他們作初步的介紹,說明它們的基本原理,以便有助于他們去進一步探討彩色理論。

The potential success of the further extension of commodity cartel arrangements can be assayed using fairly elementary microeconomic principles . 進一步擴大商品卡特爾協議成功的可能性,完全可用微觀經濟的基本理論來檢驗。