
electioneer vi.為選舉奔走,進行競選活動。n.〔英國〕=-er 競...


Characters including : fuel atomization device replaced by gas sprayer , gas supply controlled by gas flux valve ; separate fuel supply from combustion - supporting air , regulate air supply through changing the electioneering voltage to make the fully burning and improve efficiency and reduce fuel consume ; arts and crafts are simple , the modification of the oil heater ' s configuration is little and the heating power is not below the oil heater ' s level ; because of falling the voltage of electioneering , greatly descend the noise of the sample machine compared with the original 其特點是:以燃氣噴頭替代原機燃油霧化裝置;以燃氣流量控制閥控制燃氣的供給;燃氣的供給與助燃空氣的供給相分離;通過改變主電機的電壓,調整空氣的供給量,使燃燒更加充分完全,并進一步提高了熱效率,降低了燃料消耗;工藝簡單,對原機型改動較小;樣機的加熱功率不小于原機型水平;此外,由于主電機電壓的降低,使樣機的整機噪聲比原機大大下降。

Religious or political groups are eligible to apply for funding for projects that can demonstrably develop social capital . however , the fund would not support pure evangelism or electioneering causes 宗教或政治團體可以申請;但所提出的建議必須能明顯地發展社會資本,基金不會支持純為傳教或競選的活動。

Electioneering at the living and working places of electors , premises of organisations to which electors belong and buildings which electors frequent 在選民的居所和辦公地方、所屬組織所在的樓宇、經常出入的樓宇進行競選活動

Electioneering at the living or working places of electors , premises of organisations to which electors belong and buildings which electors frequent 在選民的居所或辦公地方、所屬組織所在的樓宇、經常出入的樓宇進行競選活動

Dynamics of candidates supporters enter into argument candidates carry out their own electioneering activities without interfering the contestants 候選人之間的宣傳攻勢互相爭持各有各做

Electioneering activities conducted in schools or participated by school students 在學校內進行或有學生參與的競選活動

Electioneering activities conducted in schools or participated by school pupils 在學校內進行或有學生參與的競選活動

Probing on establishment of electioneering system for members of the people ' s congress 確立人大代表競選制的探討

Mr tsang is now having to put on a show of electioneering 如今,曾蔭權不得不添上競選活動的表演秀。

There are already clear signs of pre - electioneering 很明顯,他們已經開始進行競選準備了。

Are there any electioneering activities in the community 區內有沒有助選活動?