
election n.1.選擇。2.選舉,選出,當選。3.選舉權(利)。4...

election day

If there is an election to be jobbed, it is s. behrman who manipulates it . 如果要在一次選舉里做手腳,就由斯貝爾曼來牽線。

The walls of the room were bare except for a copy of an election address . 四壁蕭然,惟有一張復印的競選講話貼在一堵墻上。

With only a week to go before the election things are really hotting up . 還有一個星期就要進行選舉,一切越來越緊張了。

Senators are chosen in state-wide elections held in even-numbered years . 每逢雙數年份便舉行全州性的選舉,選出參議員。

They appoint precinct election judges and other election-day officials . 他們委任選舉區的評判員及在大選日工作的官員。

He is trying to win the election with only 30 % of voters behind him . 他正爭取在選舉中取勝,雖然只有30的人支持他。

The green party hopes to put up a number of candidates in the general election . 綠黨希望提出若干候選人參加大選。

The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches . 隨著選舉臨近,黨組織的活動進入高潮。

He strictly kept the fact in the ensuing november election . 為了即將到來的十一月間的選舉,他是嚴格保守秘密的。

Nothing would please me more than for her to win the next election . 她若能在下次競選中獲勝,我就再高興不過了。

The party aims at contesting every constituency in the next election . 這個政黨在下次選舉中打算爭奪每個選區。

The government are afraid they will be voted out at the next election . 內閣擔心在下屆選舉中會失敗。

It does not look to me as if the socialists will win the election . 我看不出社會黨人能在大選中獲勝。

Our appointments coincided with the election of kenned . 我們的高升與肯尼迪的當選差不多同時發生。

He was arrested on a charge of having infringed the election law . 他因被指控觸犯選舉法而被拘捕。

These amplifiers have long been made with tiny election tubes . 這些放大器是用微型電子管制成的。

After its election victory , the party was on the crest of a wave . 該黨在選舉獲勝后如日中天。

Failing election , she will return to her law practice . 如果競選失敗,她將重操舊業去當律師。

The labor party hired a concert hall for the election meeting . 工黨租用音樂廳作選舉會場。