
elderberry n.(pl. -ries)1.接骨木屬植物,接骨木 (=...


Organic aloe , organic oils of mission olive , rice bran , hazelnut , borage , evening primrose , black currant , organic herbs of gotu kola , comfrey , black elderberry , ginseng , marshmallow , licorice , violet , yarrow , caraway , amla berry for natural vitamin c , organic essential oils of orange , ylang - ylang , vanilla and neroli 這輕柔而滲透力強的補濕霜,對受損或發炎的暗瘡皮膚,特別有效。其珍貴的成份如洋甘菊金盞花紫草和鵝腸草等草本精華,更可以深層保濕。

Tasting notes : very intense colour , with an aroma reminiscent of forest fruits and elderberries 特點:濃重的色澤和果香令人想起森林里的果實和草莓。