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elastic tissue 【解剖學】彈性(纖維)組織。


People with injury to the penis , family history , or certain connective tissue diseases ( such as development of fibrosis in other elastic tissues of the body ) will have higher risk of developing peyronie s disease 不過陰莖曾經受傷、家族中有其它成員患上陰莖硬結癥、或患上過某些結締組織病(如在身體的其它彈性組織出現纖維化)的人士,都會有較高的風險患上陰莖硬結癥。

Figure 7 . thrombus in a vein ( arrows ) , identified by the absence of elastic fibers ( resorcin ? fuchsin elastic tissue stain , ? 125 ) . in contrast , a nearby artery contains internal elastic fibers ( arrowhead ) 圖7 .血管缺乏彈性纖維,證明為靜脈,并見靜脈血栓(箭頭) 。相反,附近的動脈存在彈性纖維。