
eke vt.〔古,方〕1.放寬,放長。2.增補,補充。短語和例...


In short , the village sidelines in shanxi could not be generalized with the word decline or bankruptcy during the year from 1912 to 1927 . at that time , the peasants could apply to the change of society , and the peasants who had many burdens could still eke out their livelihood , apparently because of the existence of the sidelines 總之, 1912 ? 1927年,山西農村副業是不能用衰落、破產等詞來概括。在當時,農民能適應社會的變化,并在種種負擔下,仍能勉強維持其生計,顯然是由于副業的存在。

Eke elcetric co . ltd china is an export - oriented productive company approved by state administration of industry and commerce , located in the city , the center of wenzhou industrial area , which is titled with the capital of low - voltage electric apparatus of china , the company professionally produces circuit breaker , ac contactor , signal lamp , push - button , relay , fuse and other electric equipment products mainly 現擁有8大全資公司及控股生產企業77家300多家對外加工合作公司,共有員工3000多人,其中科研技術管理人員483人,生產經營面積達12 . 7萬平方米,在國內外分設銷售公司辦事處547個網點,年產銷總額達3 . 1億元。

I see the long fingers of the fashion model with their green and purple varnished nails skimming the listless chin , the grassy stubble of the slummy young aristocrat , or tickling the solid predatory nape of the uzbek champion who , aware of a remote and pleasant sensation , arches his deltoids eke a purring cat 我能想像:模特涂著綠色和紫色甲油的纖指,掠過潦倒的年輕貴族他倦怠無力的下顎,雜草般的胡茬;或者輕撓烏茲別克冠軍他堅實的掠食者的頸項;感覺這隱隱的愉悅,他弓起背,就像舒服地輕聲呼嚕的貓。

For natural objects , primitive humans gave them names initially for utilitarian purpose , probably to identify them as friends ( useful or beneficial ) or foes ( harmful or obnoxious ) , to help to eke out a living from the harsh and changeable environment 面對各種天然事物,原始的人類最初以其用途來命名,以識別對自己有利或有害的事物,在嚴峻多變的環境中幫助求生。

To eke out a full - time living from their honeybees , about half the nation ' s 2 , 000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring , migrating north to find more flowers for their bees 以養蜂為全職工作的,大概一半全美2000多商業養蜂人每個春天都會遷移到南方去尋找更多的花給他們的蜜蜂。

Many older people in tsochen still remember how as children they gathered fossils from tsailiao creek , to sell to archaeologists and tourists and so eke out their families “ meager incomes 早年由于生活困苦,到菜寮溪撿拾化石賣與考古研究者,曾是許多左鎮人童年的回憶。

A favourite at the old bailey , and eke at the sessions , mr . stryver had begun cautiously to hew away the lower staves of the ladder on which he mounted 斯特萊佛先生在老貝勒和在法院里都頗為受寵。此時他已開始小心卻也大步地跨進他已登上的階梯的下層。

Eke lighting is a commercial lighting brand which is recommended by guangdong pinyi lighting co . , ltd and germany commercial lighting 意柯( eke )照明是廣東品藝燈飾公司和德國商業照明聯合推出的商業照明品牌。

They forged a sense of commonality in their collective effort to eke out a living and to mould a feeling of community and identity 但是,他們有一個共同的認識? ?努力求存和建立社區精神及認同感。

The three dollars he received for the triolets he used to eke out a precarious existence against the arrival of the white mouse check 他拿三篇小三重奏的三塊錢湊合著應付到了白鼠的支票到達。

They forged a sense of commonality in their collective effort to eke out a living and to mould a feeling of community and identity 但是,他們有一個共同的認識努力求存和建立社區精神及認同感。

One day , while trying to 1 ) eke out a living for his family , he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog 有一天,他正在地里干活為家人謀生計,突然聽見附近沼澤地里傳來了呼救聲。

In old china workers and peasants could hardly eke out a living , let alone send their children to school 在舊中國,工人農民連生活都難以維持,更談不上送子女上學了。

He asked about the present condition and i tried to eke out the little knowledge i had collected 他問起目前情況,我把我所收集的一些材料盡量告訴了他。

To whom young stephen had these words following , murmur , sirs , is eke oft among lay folk 青年斯蒂芬曰: “諸君,俗眾間亦頻頻竊竊私議。

Eke electrical co . , ltd at ecthai . com - an e - commerce gateway in thailand 一開電器公司泰國電子商務途徑ecthai . com

Migrants send home cash that helps eke out low village incomes 流動勞工往家里匯款,以彌補低下的農村收入。

They eke out a bare existence ( ie they scarcely manage ) on his low salary 他們靠他微薄的薪金勉強口

The crew started to eke out there scanty supply of fresh water 船員們開始節約使用儲量不多的淡水。