
ejaculatory adj.1.喊叫的,用喊話方式說的。2.【生理】射精的。

ejaculatory duct

The colliculitis and vesiculitis or the inflammation of the spermaduct may cause the block of ejaculatory ducts , the sperms from testicle could t be ejaculated through the spermaduct , so no sperms is found in semen . this is called non - sperms disease . less or non sperms disease also result in infertility due to the block of ejaculation 精阜炎癥輸精管或精囊炎癥結核,都可導致射精管梗阻,來自睪丸輸精管的精子不能順利射出,精液中查不到精子即無精癥,如射精不暢可出現少精癥,都會造成不育癥。