
eight n.1.八的記號。2.八人[物]一組;(八人的)賽艇選手...

eight pence

At the age of eight she was walking a bit with the aid of a leg brace . 八歲時,她借助于腿的支撐架能稍微走一走了。

It was eight o'clock in california and colin ought to be home now . 現在加利福尼亞是晚上八點鐘,科林應該回到家了。

I would arrive at eight and go into the lobby of the downstairs bank . 我總是八點鐘就到,之后去樓下銀行的休息室。

Embryo has most commonly eight genetically identical haploid nuclei . 胚囊,普通具有8個遺傳上相同的單倍體核。

He then changed into overalls and spent the eight hours as a dustman . 然后換上工裝褲,當八小時的清潔工人。

You've got eight hours to make up your minds. it's up to you . 你們必須在八小時內拿定主意。主意由你們去拿。

He had been on the throne for barely eight months when he authorized this . 他批準這項措施時,登基才8個月。

Since he is eight years old , his education must be no longer postponed . 鑒于他已8歲,不可再耽擱受教育。

The first eight straight-chain members are listed in table 2 . 1表21列出的是直鏈烷烴的前八個成員。

Eight divides by four . 8能被4除盡。

The eight chromosomes were randomly distributed at metaphase i . 在中期8對染色體的分布是無秩序的。

The infant was eight days old before its father knew of its birth . 孩子出世八天以后,他父親才知道。

It is eight o'clock . 現在是八點鐘。

Eight of us have passed the examination , myself among others . 我們有8個人考試及格,我是其中之一。

She slept eight hours . 她睡了八小時。

He slept eight hours . 他睡了八個小時。

Tell him to hurry . we must leave before ten after eight . 叫他趕快,我們必須在八點十分前離開。

There are eight miles to go . 還有八英里。

It was almost eight weeks since georgos had gone into hiding . 喬戈斯潛伏起來已有八個星期了。