
egyptian adj.1.埃及(人)的。2.〔古語〕吉普賽(人)的。n...


There will be an egyptian mummy show in that country 那個國家將要展示埃及木乃伊。

The ancient egyptians were a fascinating people 古埃及人是個令人神往的民族

Egyptian ferry company ' s offices besieged , set afire 埃及沉船公司辦公樓被圍遭火燒

Egyptians tend to wash down these libations with black tea 埃及人習慣用紅茶解酒。

So they took away all their goods from the egyptians 他們就把埃及人的財物奪去了。

After 3000 years the egyptian empire came to an end 3000年后埃及王國滅亡了。

The ancient egyptians knew the secrets of the onions 古埃及人知道洋蔥的秘密。

Can the libyan tail wag the egyptian dog 利比亞這小國家能左右埃及這樣的大國嗎?

Impact of ancient egyptian culture on world culture 古埃及文化對世界文化的影響

The spread of the old egyptian plastic arts in china 古埃及造型藝術在中國的流傳

Without egyptian grain , rome goes hungry 如果沒有了埃及的糧食整個羅馬都會挨餓

With all my newfound admiration for egyptian subtlety, i was convinced that serious talks would not take place until there was a change in the military situation . 雖然最近我對埃及人的機敏老練產生了敬佩之情,但是我仍深信在軍事形勢發生變化以前,不會進行認真的談判。

The striking fact about heron's work is his commingling of rigorous mathematics and the approximate procedures and formulas of the egyptians . Heron的工作突出之點是他把嚴密的數學同埃及人的近似方法和公式融合在一起。

Most cunningly had the egyptian appealed to ione's ruling foible and most dexterously had he applied the poisoned dart to her pride . 這個埃及人非常狡猾地利用了伊俄涅的主要弱點,極其巧妙地用毒箭射中了她的自尊心。

About, 5, 000 b.c., or earlier, the traces of these primitive peoples ceased, and the true egyptians appeared on the scene . 大約在公元前五千年或更早一些時候,這些原始民族的遺跡消失了,而真正的埃及人登上了舞臺。

The israeli desire that we run diplomatic interference while it strangled an egyptian army trapped after the cease-fire . 以色列要把停火之后被包圍的一個埃及集團軍置于死地,卻希望我們進行外交干預。

The egyptian sank into an intent reverie, which did not seem to present to him any clear or satisfactory suggestion . 那個埃及人全神貫注地陷入了沉思,可是似乎怎么也想不出任何穩妥或滿意的建議。

It would weaken the sam missile screen and thus enhance israel's ability to squeeze the egyptians back across the canal . 它將削弱薩姆導彈掩護網并從而提高以色列把埃及人逼回運河對岸去的能力。

It was 99 percent sure that the israelis will rout the egyptians and syrians in the next few days . 可以百分之九十九地肯定,未來幾天內以色列人將一拳擊潰埃及人和敘利亞人。