
egoist n.自我本位者;利己主義者;自私自利的人。-tic, -...


Fukuzawa yukichi worked out a theory , which insisted the patriot should be an egoist of his country . and nakamura masano also insisted that people should devote for the health and happiness of their country , which different from the early idea that the evolution with lead to full benevolence and full beauty 啟蒙大師福澤諭吉以“愛國心是私于一國的思想” ,號召人民為國家的利己主義服務,同時加藤弘之的進化論也不同于人類進化將臻于盡善完美之區的目的論觀念,而鼓吹人民應為國家的健全幸福而努力。

The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist 把想法和希望分散到其他事物上,而不是過分關注自我,這樣的人往往能夠在瑣碎的生活中尋得一份安寧,但是那些純粹的自我主義者就無法做到這一點。

Egoist neglects a basic fact that people live in the same big ship , and thus are in the same boat 膨脹的自我使我們忽略了一個基本事實,那就是:我們同在生活這條大船上,別人的好壞與我們休戚相關。

You are really egoist 你真是一個自我主義者

See what egoists all men are ; they are all , all egoists “算什么男人,男人都是利己主義者,都是,都是利己主義者啊!

Egoists are inclined to take a pessimistic view of life 利己主義者往往對生活持悲觀態度

These wealthy grand people are such egoists 這些富翁和顯貴都是利己主義者。

An egoist is a person who is his own best friend 自負的人是自己最好的朋友。

You could have made her colour, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist . 在一年的任何一天,你只要說一聲她十分自私,就可以把她弄得面紅耳赤。

He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar . 他是一個徹頭徹尾,頑固不化的自私的人。

That is the perfect egoist . 這是一個徹頭徹尾的利己主義者。