
egoism n.【哲學】自我主義;利己主義 (opp. altrui...


What can change the competition into co - opetition is only the association of interests among the local governments because whatever it is , competition or cooperation , totally depends on their separate interests . because of the double incentives of “ altruism ” and “ egoism ” , it is of significance to discuss the competition among local governments from the angle of interest relations , on which the regionally governmental relations are based 地方政府之間不論是競爭還是合作,都是由其各自的利益所決定的:地方政府間競爭的發展和深入對發展地方經濟起到了很大的推動作用;地方政府間的合作則可以形成地區間的互補和協作,使每個地區發揮優勢和克服劣勢。

The traditional values that cherish goodness and kind heart edness , the socialist values that emphasize collectivism and selflessness are being challenged by market values including egoism , money warship , enjoyment - interest . lines of moral dignity built with honesty , goodness and integrity are almost destroyed by tide of commodity 珍視“性善”和“仁愛”的傳統價值觀,強調集體主義和大公無私的社會主義價值觀,受到利己主義、拜金主義、享樂主義的嚴重挑戰;誠實、善良、正直這些傳統美德所構筑的人格防線幾乎被商品經濟的大潮所沖決。

The content is often showed in the form of absolute truth , which is d isadvantageous to develop the ability of moral judgment . the method of moral education mainly employs indoctrination and neglects the respect for the students “ corpus and feelings , and lacks effective evaluation and instruction , which is the intrinsic cause of low result of moral education . with the development of the market economy , money worship and egoism also imperceptibly affect the teenagers , which is the outside cause of limiting the result of moral education 重義務輕權利是當前德育內容普遍存在的現象,這恐怕也是德育效果不高的主要原因;德育方法主要以硬性灌輸為主,強調受教育者對于道德知識和規范的掌握,但卻忽視對道德教育對象主體性的尊重和道德情感的培養,缺少對于受教育者道德行為的有效評價和導引,以至使受教育者的道德認識和道德行為相脫節,這是導致道德教育實效性低下的內因。

New viewpoint on benefit and righteous should resist egoism , hold the unity of opposites of benefit and righteous , and structuring a system of viewpoint of benefit and righteous , including belief , morality and code of conduct . this new system ought to originate from history and realities . and it should cause the change of moral education context , methods and object 在義與利的關系上,要始終堅持義利的對立統一;要構建一個義利的層級體系,大致包括信仰、道德與文明和行為規范三個層次,對應于當前道德教育內容的三個級態:信仰價值追求、倫理道德原則、日常行為規范。

The second part is the divorce of moral education from the life world , owing to the overflowing and savageness of scientific , hedonism and egoism , the life world is divorcing from moral education , which is limited to tradition and ideology 第二部分,道德教育與生活世界的分離。就當今生活世界中科學主義的泛濫、享樂主義的風靡、利己主義的猖狂,揭示生活世界正日益遠離道德教育。而道德教育桎梏于傳統、意識形態化的事實,也使道德教育遠離了生活世界這一源泉。

The comprehension of the anthropocentrism in academic circles has two wrong kinds , one is the non - anthropocentrism which attributes to explain the anthropocentrism as the species - egoism , the other is the pro - anthropocentrism which interprets the anthropocentrism as the collectivism of humankind 非人類中心論把人類中心主義理解為“物種利己主義” ,人類中心論把人類中心主義界定為“人類整體主義” ,都是對人類中心主義的誤讀。

The family business has different development stages , but the common part is “ dualism “ , that is , the part of family nature established on the basis of family culture and altruism and the part business nature established on the basis of credit culture and egoism 家族企業具有不同的發展階段,但其共同點是同時具有“二重性” ,即建立在家族文化和利他主義基礎上的家族性和建立在契約文化和利已主義基礎上的企業性。

At present , the students of the party members in colleges become indifferent to the party ' s aim and the enthusiasm of joining the party , and even their motivation of joining the party is of egoism as well 摘要當前,高校學生黨員思想上存在著宗旨觀念淡薄,入黨動機具有功利主義色彩,入黨前的積極性消失等問題;黨員教育中也存在著對學生黨員入黨后繼續教育重視不夠、教育內容不新、教育形式單一等問題。

Though rational egoism is partially acceptable in its forms and contents , it will definitely meet a dilemma when it faces conflicts of interests because of the limited prerequisite of rational egoism 由于利己主義前提的限囿,合理利己主義在理論形式和理論內容上不僅具有其局部合理因素,而且即使在實踐中也不乏有益啟示,但是在面臨現實利益沖突時卻注定會陷入左右兩難的因境。

This was indeed the essence of chernshevsky ' s position ? that “ rational egoism , “ once accepted , would so enlighten man that the very possibility of his behaving irrationally , that is , contrary to his interests , would entirely disappear 這的確是車爾雪維斯基的理論本質:理性的自我主義一但被接受,人會受到開導,而違背自己利益的不理性行為的可能性會完全消失。

Each time you did charity and good actions it was only to fatten your egoism and pride . you werent really a loving person ! in your pride , you thought disparagingly of true and humble spiritual practitioners 每次你做什么好事,都是為了要讓自己感覺到很驕傲得到那種滿足的心而已,你不是真正的有愛心,你認為自己很了不起,又看不起那些謙卑的真正的修行人。

Generally speaking , all of us should recognize and admit that energy egoism in a modern and highly interdependent world is a road to nowhere . therefore russia s attitude towards energy security remains clear and unchanged 雙方一致認為,開展人文領域的合作將擴大中俄伙伴關系的社會基礎,加深兩國人民之間的相互理解,加強兩個偉大民族文明成果的交流。

It can be perceived that this starts with inner contradictions and clashes , while the post - modern philosophy maximizes the intuition and deduction in egoism up to the deconstruction of self 因而從自我本身出發尋找確定性的根基,從一開始就面臨著內在的矛盾和沖突,而后現代主義恰恰又將自我當中感性的、流動的成分推崇到無以復加的程度,最終導致自我的解構。

The voluntary provision of public goods has proved that individuals are not always free rider in the public goods provision . an economic person possesses of two characteristics : altruism and egoism 非政府組織及個人對公共物品的自愿提供以及實驗經濟學的結論證明了現實的人們并非總是“經濟人” ,每一個體都是一定程度的利他主義與利己主義的均衡體。

He cites fear of losing one ' s job , growing demands , competition , egoism , new technologies and restructuring as some of the factors leading to higher psychological pressure at the work place 他列舉諸如害怕失去工作、日益增加的工作要求、競爭、自大中心、新科技與企業再造所形成的恐懼,皆是造成職場心理壓力升高的若干因素。

“ i remember everything about that night , how could i forget that my egoism had preferred to let a unjustified cruelty happen , instead of helping sendoh , at least for your happiness ? 我記得那天晚上發生的每一件事。由于我的自私,我沒有幫助仙道。而是眼見那么殘酷的事情發生。其實,越野,為了你的幸福,我也應該幫助仙道的。

But to his surprise , villarsky noticed soon that pierre had quite dropped behind the times , and had , as he defined it himself to pierre , sunk into apathy and egoism 但是,使維拉爾斯基驚奇的是,他很快就發現皮埃爾已大大落后于現實生活,他自己在內心中已斷定皮埃爾已經陷入淡漠和利己主義之中。

Prince andrey stood before pierre with a radiant , ecstatic face , full of new life , and with the egoism of happiness smiled at him without noticing his gloomy face 安德烈公爵帶著容光煥發洋洋自得和獲得新生的神色站在皮埃爾面前,他不注意他那凄慘的面容,而懷著利己的幸福的心情向他微微一笑。

The first time the young foreign prince ventured to reproach her , she lifted her beautiful head , and , with a haughty tone towards him , said firmly : this is the egoism and the cruelty of men 當那個有張年輕的外國面孔的人初次敢于責備她時,她高傲地昂起美麗的頭,斜轉身朝著他堅定地說: