
effulgent adj.輝煌的,燦爛的。adv.-ly


Dve has effulgent application future in numerous domains such as military affairs , cooperative work , network games , etc . in this dissertation , our research is focused on three typical problems , i . e . collision detection and response algorithm , multi - level interest management mechanism and synchronization control method 它在軍事、協同設計、遠程教育、網上游戲等眾多領域都有著廣泛的應用前景。本文對分布式虛擬環境中的碰撞檢測與響應、分級興趣管理及同步控制策略進行了研究。

One at the moment of death with an undeviating mind , by the power of the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness , engaged in devotional service , properly establishes the life breath between the eyebrows and achieves the effulgent , supreme personality 在臨死的時候,心意不偏執,借助于修煉個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)融合統一的力量,獻身于奉愛服務,適當地調整兩眉之間的生命呼吸,這樣做的行者就會達到放大光明的至尊人格境界。

Each painting is a glorification of a kind of bliss , a state of nirvana here and now . each natural aspect of nature , each flourishing brush stroke , is like the prancing step of a bird , its sweet , melodious song rising amidst an effulgent dawn , or like the shimmering stars around a fresh and luminous moon 每幅畫像是在描繪著在世間得到涅盤的極樂,大自然中的每一點滴的景色,描繪得有如小鳥雀躍的腳步,亦或如黎明中美妙的歌聲,亦或像夜空中閃耀的繁星。

Yesterday , thank you for your care and cherishing and the friendship bridge between us has been set up . today we sincerely hope get your more support and help . pengfei will emit effulgent rays of light and carry forward the spirit of new epoch continrorsly 昨天承您的關心和愛護,在我們之間架起了友誼的金橋,今天,我們更熱忱地將得到您的支持與幫助,鵬飛將放射出光輝燦爛的光芒,發揚新時代的精神。

This articles mainly analyses the palestine problem from the aspect of the jewish mentality jewish nation is a special one it is a very ancient and young nationality , which creates effulgent cultures and bears lots of sufferings 本文主要從猶太民族心態角度分析巴勒斯坦問題。猶太民族是一個古老而又年輕的民族,它為人類創造了燦爛的文化,而又為此經受了巨大的苦難。

O arjuna , remembering at every moment the effulgent supreme personality with an undeviated mind , perfected in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness ; one achieves unto him 阿諸那啊,在任何時刻,心意不偏執地想著放大光明的至尊人格神,修煉完善個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)融合統一的行者,就會達到“他”的境界。

Arjuna , remembering at every moment the effulgent supreme personality with an undeviated mind , perfected in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness ; one achieves unto him 阿諸那啊,在任何時刻,心意不偏執地想著放大光明的至尊人格神,修煉完善個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)融合統一的行者,就會達到“他”的境界。

Chinese people have created effulgent culture and rich manage thought in thousands of years . both “ military science of mr sun “ and other classical chinese theories all contain valuable manage thought 幾千年來,中華民族創造了光輝燦爛的文化,也創造了豐富的管理思想,無論是《孫子兵法》 ,還是諸子百家學說,都蘊涵著閃閃發光的管理學思想。

China has attracted people ' s deep attention all over the world , which not only for her prosperity and grandness , but also for her ancient and long - standing history and effulgent culture 中國,之所以引起世界人民對她深切的關注與向往,不但因為今天的繁榮與強大,更因為她有著古老而而悠久的歷史,光輝而燦爛的文化。

With the insight of big open - up , great investment , wudi will turn on the new face of development and build the effulgent future of “ china date town “ 無棣將以大開放,大招商的膽識和氣魄開啟大發展的的新局面,打造中國棗鄉光輝燦爛的明天

Lord , o friend of the shelterless , o effulgent moon of mercy , please , just this one time , quickly extend your hand to save me ! 主啊,無家可歸者之友,哦,光輝的仁慈之月,請求禰,就這一次,快伸出禰的手拯救我! ”