
effluvium n.(pl. -via , effluviums)1.臭...


While disease had thus become an inhabitant of lowood , and death its frequent visitor ; while there was gloom and fear within its walls ; while its rooms and passages steamed with hospital smells , the drug and the pastille striving vainly to overcome the effluvia of mortality , that bright may shone unclouded over the bold hills and beautiful woodland out of doors 就這樣,疾病在羅沃德安了家,死亡成了這里的常客圍墻之內籠罩著陰郁和恐怖房間里和過道上散發著醫院的氣味,香錠徒勞地掙扎著要鎮住死亡的惡臭。與此同時,五月的明媚陽光從萬里無云的天空,灑向陡峭的小山和美麗的林地。

The paper reports concisely the technology development of pretreatment and subsequence treatment of acidic water stripping installation now , the technology of pretreatment of acidic water include : remove waste gas , waste oil , suspending solid , effluvium and safety measure taken , the technology of subsequence treatment of acidic water include : the technology of return use of srripped water and the technology of sbr and the technology of ion exchange of denitrification , especially the proprietary technology of fripp in the field 摘要簡述了目前煉油廠酸性水汽提裝置的上下游處理技術及其研究進展,上游技術主要包括:酸性水降壓脫氣、除油、脫懸浮物、惡臭氣體脫臭和應采取的安全防護措施;下游技術主要包括:汽提凈化水的回用、 sbr法、離子交換法除氨等工藝,并簡要介紹了撫順石油化工研究院在本領域上的專有技術。

At its farthest end , three glaciers meet to dump their effluvia into the milky grey glacial water , launching massive igloo icebergs into the lake with thunderous splashes 在最遠的一端,三條冰河匯聚到一處,將碩大的冰塊注入奶白色的河流中,冰塊互相碰撞,水花四濺,形成令人嘆為觀止的奇景。

Study on technical condition of catalytic oxidation in process of effluvium purged 污水臭氣催化燃燒的工藝條件研究

I smell the effluvium of pain and frustration 我都能嗅到痛苦和挫折的惡臭