
effeminate adj.女人似的,女人氣的,柔弱的;嬌氣的。vt.,vi...


During his childhood , andersen received little education and possessed a highly emotional nature , suffering from countless bouts of fear and humiliation due to his uncommon height and effeminate interests i . e . , singing and dancing 童年時代的安徒生所受的教育非常少,從小就很多愁善感,更因為不尋常的身高和女性化的興趣傾向如唱歌跳舞,使他飽受憂懼和羞辱之苦。

A pale , delicate , effeminate boy , who might have been taken for my master s younger brother , so strong was the resemblance : but there was a sickly peevishness in his aspect , that edgar linton never had 一個蒼白的嬌滴滴的柔弱的男孩子,簡直可以當我主人的小弟弟:兩個人是這么相像:可是在他的相貌上有一種病態的乖僻,那是埃德加林敦從來沒有的。

He had repeatedly said that chinese cinema , including hong kong cinema of the 1950s and 60s , was too effeminate . with female stars the bigger box office draw , male characters often paled alongside them on the screen 他經常重申,過去中國電影而至五六十年代香港片,往往陰盛陽衰,女星比男星吃香,男角常常比女角軟弱,很不正常。

He privately smoothed out the curls , with labor and difficulty , and plastered his hair close down to his head ; for he held curls to be effeminate , and his own filled his life with bitterness 他曾費了很大的勁,偷偷地把滿頭的鬈發按著,緊緊地貼在頭上。因為他認定鬈發總有些女人氣,他為自己天生的鬈發十分懊惱。

“ there ' s nothing effeminate about it ? you have to be incredibly fit to dance . i see some people crawling around , hunched over smoking a cigarette ? they should be doing ballet “其實芭蕾并不‘女人氣’ ,反而需要健康的體魄才能跳好。我看到一些人四處閑逛、彎腰駝背、叼著煙? ?他們應該考慮去學芭蕾。 ”

The bad news is that a man with high testosterone is more likely to love you and leave you , so you might want to settle for mr nice - guy and his more effeminate features 壞消息是睪丸激素分泌多的人更可能愛上你,然后在離開你,所以,你可能最后不得不接受一個更女性化臉型的不錯的男人。

Martin drank on silently , biting out his orders and invitations and awing the barkeeper , an effeminate country youngster with watery blue eyes and hair parted in the middle 那老板是個帶女人氣的鄉下小伙子,水汪汪的藍眼睛,頭發從正中分開。

He is an effeminate country youngster with watery blue eyes and hair parted in the middle 他是個性格柔弱,有著水汪汪的藍眼睛,并且頭發分成中界的鄉村青年。

Contrary to his effeminate appearance , he said without reserve during interview 相對于他的優柔寡斷,在訪談過程中他毫無保留。

His character is effeminate 他的性格很懦弱。

A guy has to be effeminate or flamboyant or sensitive 并不意味著一個男人要很嬌氣或者穿著艷麗或是很敏感

Will he look much or a bit effeminate 他應該看起來非常或者有些柔弱還是強壯?