
effective adj.1.有效(力)的,靈驗的;顯眼的,〔美國〕生效的...


This antipyretic action is usually rapid and effective in febrile patients . 對發熱病人,這種退熱作用通常迅速有效。

Colour filters are not very effective in isolating narrow spectral bands . 一些濾色片不能很有效地分離狹窄的光譜帶。

Consider those westerners we know who are highly effective in meetings . 想一想我們所知的那些會議效率高的西方人吧!

Hamilton then recruited a group of effective regional directors . 漢密爾頓又羅致了一批精干的負責各地區的主管官員。

Effective decision-making requires a rational selection of a course of action . 有效的決策需要合理的選擇行動方案。

Though the costume consisted only of a sheet , it was very effective . 雖然那件化裝服僅僅是一條被單,但十分有效。

The problem of making a network effective is difficult enough in itself . 使網絡有效,本身是一個十分困難的問題。

Least effective were chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline . 效力最差的是金霉素、土霉素和四環素。

Johnny's way of dealing with hooligans was crude but effective . 約翰尼對付流氓的辦法是粗野的,但卻行之有效。

Among the enzymes which are particularly effective are pepsin, papain . 在酶當中特別有效的是胃阮酶、木瓜酶。

Thus we shall have an effective blind for the world press . 這樣,我們就有了有效的遮眼法,來對付各國新聞界。

Among the enzymes which are particularly effective are pepsin, papain . 在酶當中特別有效的是胃朊酶、木瓜酶。

It was said that she was as effective as god , bringing the dying back to life . 她是個妙手回春的民間醫生。

The absorption is most effective for the shorter wave length rays . 對于短波部分來說,吸收效應尤為明顯。

He claimed that the same drug is also effective in treating headaches . 他還說這種藥對治頭痛也是有效的。

He must have considered the patrol as an effective maneuver . 他思想上一定還以為派兵偵察是條妙計。

When the houses were finished, they were effective and arresting . 房屋建造完成后顯得精巧而壯觀。

She was also a very effective speaker at mass rallies . 而且,她還是群眾集會上很有辯才的演說家。

Once again the measure proved more provocative than effective . 這一措施又是成事不足,敗事有余。