
education n.1.教育;訓導;培養。2.教育學,教授法。3.(蜜蜂...


It is through education that we expand the frontiers of knowledge . 通過教育,我們擴大了知識的陣地。

His whole school education added up to no more than one year . 他所受的全部學校教育加起來不過一年。

This would reduce the demand for education beyond literacy . 這將縮減超出讀寫要求之外的教育需求。

Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means . 荒涼地區的教育不是一個錢財問題。

He gave his children the best education that money could buy . 他不惜花費金錢給孩子最好的教育。

That knocks them out on education test alone . 這樣,僅僅是教育程度的這一項測驗就把他們淘汰了。

Yes , i respect him because he is serious about education . 是的,我尊敬他是因為他對教育認真。

General education was not organized in those ancient states . 那些古代國家沒有組織公共的教育。

Continuing education and retraining will be inescapable . 繼續進修和重新接受訓練是不可避免的。

A guardian of the person is entitled to regulate his education . 人身監護人有權安排他的教育。

Professional education is a privilege in some countries . 在一些國家里,職業教育是一種優惠。

Education is suffering from youth-gang violence . 小流氓集團的暴力行為給教育工作帶來了災害。

Compulsory education comes under the same head as sanitation . 義務教育可以和衛生歸入一類。

The numbers from the u.s. office of education are alarming . 美國教育部發表的數字非常驚人。

In the adams's education were merely a lament for the past . 《亞當斯的教育》只在感傷過去。

Education is not the chips of arithmetic and grammar . 教育不是有關算術和語法的零星知識。

Education and experience broaden his vision and understanding . 教育和經歷使他眼界開闊。

He has been at his new post as minister of the education department . 他已改任教育部長。

He hasn't had the advantages of a public-school education . 他沒有受過公學教育的栽培。