
educate vt.1.教育;教導。2.培養,訓練。3.送…上學,為…...


The study of educating public servants professional ethics 公務員職業道德教育研究

A college diploma does not mean you are educated 大學文憑并不意味著你受教育了。

Educate : to teach or instruct a person or group 教導:教育或指導一個人或一群人

It excites them , which helps me to educate 答:觀眾會興奮,這使我容易教育他們。

News relating to educating students with disabilities -提供特殊教育信息及資源。

Upon my soul , how children are educated nowadays 老天啊,現在的孩子都被教壞了

How xie ' an educates the yong of the house in shishuoxinyu 中謝安對家族子弟的教育

Design and develop e - educating system based on b s 模式的網絡教學系統設計與開發

The theory that answered these questions came from a seemingly unlikely individual, an awkward, colorless, poorly educated teacher named john dalton . 一個能回答這些問題的理論由一位看上去個性并不突出、笨拙而無光彩,沒有受過高等教育的教師J道爾頓提出來了。

They spend so much of their lives becoming more and more educated that they have time for little else and, in some way, stay children forever . 他們把一生中那么多時間用來接受教育,沒有多少時間去干別的,從某些方面說來,他們永遠是孩子。

We in the nixon administration felt that our challenge was to educate the american people in the requirements of the balance of power . 我們這些在尼克松政府里任職的人覺得,要教育美國人民理解搞均勢的必要性實非易事。

Everything was run on the most accurate and delicate scientific method, educated and expert men were in control everywhere . 一切事務都按照精密,準確的科學方法管理,到處都由受過教育,有專門技術的人掌管著事務。

It is the mark of an educated man to look for precision in each class of things just so far as the nature of the subject admits . 一個有教養人的標志在于,他能在問題性質的許可范圍內追尋每一類事物的精確含義。

It is still the great ambition of educated chinese to write well-that is, with force and individual expression, 中國受過教育的人仍舊一心一意要練好書法,也就是說,要使自己寫的字剛勁有力和自成一家。

Peter gee was better educated than any man there, spoke better english as well as several other tongues . 彼得吉比起在座的任何人都受過更高的教育,無論英語還是其他語言,都比他們講得漂亮。

Our surveys continued to show that chrysler owners were more likely to be blue-collar, older, less educated . 我們的調查材料繼續表明,克萊斯勒的買主更多地是藍領工人,年紀較大,文化較低。

Are you educated and he ignorant, you high and he low, you refined and he coarse, you talented and he simple ? 能說你有學問,他無知;你高貴,他卑賤;你文雅,他庸俗;你聰明,他愚蠢嗎?

The fine, intelligent, educated voice sang on in the sunny quadrangle of red-brick colonial buildings . 那美妙,聰明,受過教育的聲音回響在充滿陽光的,殖民時期的紅磚房子圍成的庭院中。

He was a delicate boy, and was educated at home till, at the age of nine, he joined the local government school . 他童年時代體質孱弱,在家讀書讀到九歲才轉入當地的公立學校。