
edgy adj.1.鋒利的;潑辣的,尖銳的。2.(畫)輪廓過于分...


Roll call is the “ home town newspaper “ of capitol hill . information ranging from straight news to hometown gossip . the hill is an upstart competitor that ' s a little edgier 為美國國會山莊的當地報紙。報導的?圍從嚴肅的新聞到當地的八卦,山莊新聞是另家筆鋒更銳利的新聞報紙。

Andy can get with this many girls in one concert , he is god ! i wonder if it will be even more edgy when he performs in hk 一場演唱會就搞左甘多個女人,小弟我拜你為神啦!在內地都搞到甘激,回香港時就更激啦。不知道劉華有沒有留意到他有什么觀眾呢?

The once bohemian and avant - garde ground zero of new york city is now one of the few bases for edgy music lovers and urban trendsetters 曾作為紐約市波西米亞風和先鋒藝術中心的這一地帶,現在是少有的幾個前衛音樂愛好者與都市潮流先鋒的基地之一。

In production , the identity of the band is a blend of the three beautiful voices in harmony , mixed with an edgy and organic guitar pop production 她們的專輯中,最引人注目的是她們三人美妙聲音的絕妙的融合,并加入了時髦且自然的流行因素。

As the album name suggests , electrik is edgy , dynamic , and invigorating , exploring a wide range of the emotional spectrum with poignancy “音”如其名, 《電音玩家》直截了當、動感十足、熱辣奔放,以強勁動人的曲風挖掘出不同的情緒波動。

Let ' s push the boundaries on this project . we need something reallyinnovative ! throw out the conventions , i want something edgy 這個項目需要一些更加大膽的想法,我們得找些真正的創新意念。不要管那些老黃歷,我要的是創新。

I was also constantly photographing it and other parts of my new house to prove to the world that i was edgy , hip and happening 我也經常給它拍照,以及我新房子的其他部分,向世界證明我是與眾不同,嘻哈以及出人意料。

One evening , nearly seven , her mother had not already come back , xiaoxiao was edgy , so she dialed her mother ' s cellphone 一天傍晚,已經快七點了,媽媽還沒有回來,曉曉心里很著急,撥通了媽媽的手機。

On the surface , my films do seem a bit edgy but i think they ve always demonstrated reasonable commercial potential 表面來看,我的電影或者比較另類,但其實它們都擁有一定的商業潛質。

Brought to the screen by filmmaker richard linklater with an edgy graphic - novel look . the time : just beyond now 的小說,其被搬上銀幕的經典作品包括2020宇宙威及未來報告。

Her unpredictable behavior makes those around her edgy , but no one is going to tell her to go away either 她不可預料的舉止使其周圍的人也變得神經質,但沒有人愿意去叫她走開。

The edgy , almost bitter tone that he once adopted must give way to something more measured 一個曾經動不動就發牢騷、幾乎永遠高興不起來的哈帕必須以新的姿態展現在公眾面前。

The best way to achieve this edgy style is to hairspray the roots of your hair , then braid and dry 獲得這種時尚的風格最佳方法就是在發根處上定型水,然后變成辮子再吹干。

The relationship between turkey and the eu is always edgy , a little like mexico ' s with the united states 土耳其同歐盟的關系一直比較緊張,有點象墨西哥同美國的關系。

“ the parents have been a bit edgy lately , waiting for their children ' s examination results . “父母們近來一直有點兒緊張,正在等待公布他們孩子們的考試成績。

Despite the edgier aspects of his personality , anakin possesses a guileless charm 除去他性格中的邊緣性,阿納金擁有一種坦率的魅力。

Erin hasn ' t slept for two days . so stay away from her , she ' s a little edgy 她有兩天沒睡覺了,所以離她遠一點,她情緒不太好。

The gueriiias are edgy . they ' re afraid the bridge wiii biow before the raid begins 游擊隊很著急,他們怕偷襲開始之前橋就爆炸

He has an edgy temper 他性情急躁。