
economist n.1.經濟學家。2.〔古語〕節儉的人。


He is my professor and he is an economist 他是我的教授,還是一名經濟學家。

A fair few economists within the fund agree 但該組織內部同意此觀點者寥寥。

Economists and the economics of professional contentment 經濟學和專業性自滿的經濟學

What do economists say about the present crisis 經濟學家們對于現在的危機做何說法?

Economists call this nominal price rigidity 經濟學家將這稱為名義價格剛性。

Eichengreen , b . how economists understand crisis 經濟學家如何了解經濟危機?

She was an economist of considerable standing 她是一位頗有名望的經濟學家。

The economist could not find a picture of him 本刊無法找到任何關于他的圖像資料。

The famous economist gave us a speech 這位著名的經濟學家給我們做了一次演講。

Joseph e . stiglitz : an economist ' s dream and ideal 斯蒂格利茨經濟學家的理性和夢想

The economist could not find a picture of him 《經濟學家》找不到任何他的照片。

The economist j. m. keynes once remarked that those economists who disliked theory, or claimed to get along better without it, were simply in the grip of an older theory . 經濟學家JM凱恩斯曾說:那些不喜歡理論的經濟學家,或者聲稱沒有理論會做得更好的經濟學家,只不過是受到某種舊理論的支配而已。

The extension of the colonial system, especially during the late nineteenth century, is seen by radical economists as the logical expansion of local exploitation to world dimensions . 殖民體系的擴大,特別是在十九世紀末期的擴大,被激進經濟學家看作是國內剝削在世界范圍的符合邏輯的延伸。

In pure competition, as expounded by the late-nineteenth-century economist marshall, entry and exit determine the long-run equilibrium of an industry . 在純粹競爭條件下,正象十九世紀后期的經濟學家馬歇爾揭示的那樣,加入和離開決定某一工業部門的長期平衡。

One of the principal debates among economists with respect to the origins and propagation of inflation has engaged the “monetarists“ and the “structuralists“ . 經濟學家關于通貨膨脹的起因及其蔓延的重大爭論之一牽涉到“貨幣主義者”和“結構主義者”。

International economists have been debating whether fixed or flexible exchange rates would be more likely to play the role of automatic stabilizer . 一些國際經濟學家一直在爭論,究竟是固定匯率還是變動匯率更有可能起自動穩定器的作用。

Economists might base their predictions of the annual gross national product, or gnp, on the final consumption spending within the economy . 經濟學家能夠以國民經濟發展中每年最終消費量為基礎,預測國民經濟總產值,亦稱GNP。

Economists have stated a general rule concerning marginal utility for an individual faced with a given budget constraint and given price . 經濟學家對一個面臨有限收入和一定價格的個人的邊際效用,總結了一條一般的法則。

Economists differ as to whether the many other influences on inflation invalidate the idea of an unemployment-inflation . 對于其它許多影響通貨膨脹的因素,是否使得失業-通貨膨脹的消長關聯,這一點,經濟學家們眾說紛紜。