
economic adj.1.經濟學的;經濟(上)的;實用的。2.〔罕用語...

economic blockade

Economic growth and political democracy can develop hand in hand . 經濟增長和政治民主是可以齊頭并進的。

These were the tools that forged america's economic development . 這些都是促使美國經濟發展的基本要素。

This characterization of economic development implies lofty goals . 經濟發展的特征含有一些崇高的目標。

In the middle ages a gentleman did not engage in economic production . 在中世紀,紳士不從事經濟生產。

The spread of economic calculation is basic to income maximization . 推廣經濟核算是收入最優化的基礎。

Proponents of economic nationalism had the president's ear . 總統對于經濟民族主義的提議者則言聽計從。

In the theater of the media there is an economic sleight of hand . 傳播媒介在經濟上耍了一個大花招。

In the theater of the media there are economic slights of hand . 傳播媒介在經濟上又耍了一個大花招。

The situation has not crystallized enough for economic pressures . 對經濟壓力而言,情況還不夠明確。

Economic models often lead to the study of systems of equations . 經濟模型經常導致對方程組的研究。

Build one 's hopes on the economic strength of the country 把自己的希望建立在國家的經濟實力上。

In other words, the process of economic growth is under way . 換句話說,經濟增長過程正在進行。

The economic benefits in hotel work can be very substantial . 在旅館工作的經濟報酬是很優厚的。

Nevertheless, economic factors still play a major role . 然而,經濟因素仍然一直起著主要作用。

The economic machinery had broken down almost everywhere . 幾乎在所有的地方經濟機器都已崩潰。

Business cycles are recurring cycles of economic events . 商業周期是經濟活動重復發生的周期。

These countries are being swept by an economic crisis . 這些國家正在受著一場經濟危機的沖擊。

Meanwhile, the economic blizzard smote germany in her turn . 這時,經濟風暴襲擊到德國來了。

An economic crisis engulfed the entire capitalist world . 經濟危機席卷了整個資本主義世界。