
ecm 短語和例子ECM =1.European Common ...


This paper makes in - depth analysis and study to maneuvering target tracking technology under ecm 本文針對電子戰條件下的目標跟蹤算法進行了深入的分析和研究。

Users with ecm needs must engage with existing ecm players that support mysql as a back - end system Ecm用戶必須設法找到支持mysql作為后端系統的ecm處理程序。

Collagen belongs to extracellular matrix ecm complex , which is the essential protein inside the body 骨膠原屬于細胞外基質復合物,是人體必須的重要蛋白質。

Contained within the ecm is a removable calibration unit , on programmable read - only memory 包含在ecm內的是一個可動的校正裝置,或是可編程序的讀存儲器。

The range varies depending upon ecm / sensor differences and it slides up and down the scale 這個損傷值范圍是有電子干擾器/探測器的等級差距而有所浮動的。

2 . added diagnostic function for 6 systems for s80 , including ecm , tcm and srs 2 .新增了s80的包括ecm tcm srs在內的共6個系統類別的診斷功能。

3 . added diagnostic function of ecm tcm abs and srs for s60 2003 2004 . 4 3新增了s60車型的2003和2004年款的ecm tcm abs和srs系統的診斷功能。

Here were reviewed the common classes of the ecms and their physiological functions 本文著重介紹這些雌蕊胞外基質的生理功能及其研究進展。

Secondly , the target trajectory recorded by phased array radar in ecm are studied 接著,研究了ecm下相控陣雷達觀測的目標的點跡模型。

Adobe offers forms - based solutions for ibm , documentum , and filenet ecm systems Adobe與ibm和documentum聯手提供基于表單的ecm解決方案。

Combinatorial jamming of pulse doppler radar based upon drfm and its ecm effectiveness measure 的脈沖多普勒雷達組合干擾及其效能評估

Integrated forms solutions for ecm systems based on adobe livecycle forms 基于adobe livecycle forms的ecm系統集成表單解決方案美國

2 . added trouble code help prompt of ecm , tcm etc . , totaling 44 systems . 3 2新增了ecm和tcm系統共44個診斷類別的故障碼幫助資訊。

Finally , immpdaf for radar management and tracking in ecm is given 最后,給出了一個可以用于目標跟蹤和雷達管理的immpdaf算法。

2 . added trouble code help prompt of ecm , tcm etc . , totaling 44 systems 2新增了ecm和tcm系統共44個診斷類別的故障碼幫助信息。

Echo canceling method ecm 回聲抵消法

Ecm is a notified organism well recognized in europe under the number 1282 2 ecm是在歐洲公認的權威組織,其授權編號1282 。

Electronic countermeasure ecm 電子反制

Engine ecm reprogramming 引擎電腦程式提升